Monday, March 16, 2020

Deep Breathing in the Pool

Listening to the news about Covid-19 updates had me feeling a little anxious this morning. We're off school for 2 weeks and now, listening to what the CDC is saying, maybe a little longer. Last week, I came home early from work with some sort of virus - they're not saying it is THE VIRUS, but I was advised to stay home with minimal contact with others until symptoms subside. And, by-the-bye, no testing unless symptoms worsened. Glad to report I haven't had to go for testing, as I'm feeling a little better, not worse, but would have had to take a couple more days off. Now, those sick days are saved for another time. (Deep breath in, deep breath out...)

Darling Hubby had to go in for a meeting today at the Great University of our city to find out what they're going to be doing. Ms. Business, who is in their dental school for hygiene, was saying this morning if they're off for the next eight weeks, this runs right into State Boards - and they'll not have had a chance to get patients lined up. National Boards are conducted at a testing center - that's probably not happening, either. (Deep breath in, deep breath out...)

Then, there's Morticia, whose wedding to the Doctor is the first week of May, the eighth week. Even though it is a small affair (under 50 people), it's at the National Aviary. If National Parks and Monuments stay closed that long - well, I guess we'll be rescheduling the reception. They can still have the ceremony - just immediate family would have been there, anyway - so having the party another day shouldn't be a big deal. (deep breath in, long breath out...)

Let's look at some happy things!
Spring is here! At least if we have to be home, we can go outside. Can you imagine if this was going down in a cold, cold winter?

Our little grandson is walking and enjoying one of his first words - "NO!" He's a joy to behold, even if we can't see him for a while.

Time to get to all those little things we've been saying "We'll get around to it." I gave  DH a Round Tuit when we were engaged - a nifty little ditty on a round piece of wood that I used press-on letters for, to ensure the entire thing would look uniform. He was less than impressed, but we still have it-somewhere! Guess we'll get 'around to' looking for it!

Getting creative with meals - no biggie here, but Moink is going to have to learn to eat what we have on the table. If it's something with dairy, I understand, but money could become an issue, so...yeah.

Being thankful we're relatively healthy and happy that we have each other.

And Simon is certainly beyond happy that his family is home - he gets to curl up with me on sofa, and watch for his favorite human (Ms. Business) to come out of her room, and for chances to play with Moink.

This gives me a lot of time for creative endeavors - back to those paintings, and maybe a little writing!

In light of the symptoms of Covid-19, thankful I can take those deep breaths in and out!

So, come for a virtual swim - social distancing and all that - but pop in for a while. Why don't you share a positive thought with everyone what you plan on doing during our time of home encampment? Would love to hear your thoughts!
And remember..."Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

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