Sunday, January 5, 2020

Seeking Peace

Greetings, fellow waders!
A new year, and a time for reflecting on the past, and what the future might hold. I'm missing Mima, and have now had several 'firsts' without her. This year, I'm seeking peace. If only I could stay in my little house next to the pool, it would be much easier. Unfortunately, one must occasionally go out among the people, where peace hides under rocks and ducks around corners. I remember tacking a poem to my wall in my teenage years that started "Go placidly amidst the noise and haste..." Good words to live by forty years later.

Put it all in perspective: mother of five, teacher of many, for many years. While I like what I do, and I find the children interesting and fun, there are times when my colleagues and I look at them and ask, "What were you thinking? Why did you do that?"
The standard answer is, "I don't know." Perhaps it's always been this way, but I fear they are the product of society, and my generation allowed it. My first year as a teacher was in 7th and 8th grades in a parochial school. One day, the nun across the hall from me said, "Children are different now than they were thirty years ago." That was thirty-five years ago, and yes, children are different now than they were even then, and not necessarily for the better. They are so inundated with electronics and technology and fast paces that attention spans are practically at zero percent. Creativity - many are, but if it doesn't come easily, they tend to give up. One little girl looked at me last week while blending oil pastels and said, "This is hard for me."
My response? "If we stopped when things got too hard, we'd never learn anything new. We'd never get anywhere. Everything is hard in the beginning."
Going back to seeking peace...I ventured out into the world of retail because I needed socks. (I'm really not keen on shopping, going maybe once or twice a year). As I made my way through the sock aisle, I came upon a young woman, probably in her twenties, sitting in the middle of the floor talking on her phone, bitterly complaining about her boyfriend/husband/baby daddy (whatever he was - I already had Too Much Information) using very colorful expletives. I just wanted to find my socks and move on. So as not to bother her, I went around and came up the other side, and was instantly appalled to find her TRYING ON SOCKS! What was she thinking? Why did she think this was okay? Seriously. And, what does one say? Note to all: if the socks come in packages, and they are no longer attached, WASH THEM when you get home - who knows who's had their feet in them? Not wanting to get into an altercation, I picked up what I wanted and went on, saying something to the cashier, hoping it would get passed on to a manager. I'm sure it didn't. Where does it end? I'm only ordering underwear on-line from now on - and I'll still wash it before I wear it!
I then went on to the grocery store - nothing more than what usually happens at the store - people training for marathons while pushing carts. I'm curious where these races are held, because I think it would be a lot like Roller Derby, and it might be fun to watch! I spend a lot of time getting out of the way while looking for things that may or may not exist! No, the problem was leaving the parking lot. Someone else decided they didn't need to take their turn at the stop sign, and nearly hit me in their haste to get out! No collision, and I very nicely did not give them the universal signage for 'you're an idiot', but I did sincerely hope that karma would follow them, and they would get behind every slow driver for the rest of the day. Talk about someone needing to find peace...slow down, people, and arrive alive.
Kindness, peace...things that start within. May you find these, as well as pass them on. For now, with the sock drawer full, I'm going to look for those things here, next to the Stress Pool. Come on over, bring your favorite beverage, and maybe a tale of when someone was exceptionally kind, or when you had the chance to be kind, or where you find your peace. Happy 2020 everyone, and may your pool water always be clean and the perfect temperature!

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