Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Overcrowding at the Pool

Greetings! Here we are, day 3 of captivity, and a second post this week - Wendy must be at home! Observations from the Lifeguard chair:
The pool is overcrowded.

I've been chuckling at Facebook posts about parents with young children, and the challenges with which they are suddenly faced. Ah yes, I remember those days, like with the blizzard of '93, when schools were shut down for a week, and of course, summer vacations of the past. But, there are no small children in the house anymore, and haven't been for some time.

Now, there are 4 adults meandering about..

DH is going to work every morning and putting in half days. He's the only one who has to leave right now. Ms. Business has taken the social distancing to heart, and we really only see her at meals. Oh, wait, that's as per usual. (She keeps herself busy!)  Moink is deeply feeling the loss of his alone time, which is what he usually has when we're all out of the house during the day.

So, I've decided to enforce some rules here at the pool. If you find you're also having some issues, take note, and maybe we can compare!

1. Living room, dining room, and kitchen are community areas. If anyone is present, be kind, polite, and refrain from saying things that will be hurtful. Remove yourself from that area if you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed - everyone will love you for it!

Television (in the living room - we are a one television family!) There are shows we watch all the time. Some times are negotiable. It would be rude to watch something nobody else would be interested in during evening times when we all might be in the community areas. Watch personal shows when no one else is about, or at least ask the others if they mind. Be kind; be patient.

2. Bedrooms and the bathroom are secure sanctuaries. Please knock on bedroom doors, and please respond if someone knocks. Remember, that person might just need their alone time! Bathrooms shall not be used as an escape; no camping! Please don't take more than half an hour if showering!

Not everyone will have the next couple of areas:

3. Office - fair game, anyone can use, but should be considered a quiet area, a retreat for reading or using the computer.

4.  Studio - great for working on any art projects one might have going on. Light-hearted banter is welcome; no unkind words.

5. Garage: (in our case, it's used as an attic - storage for everything except cars!) In the process of being cleaned out. All hands welcome. Should be used as a last resort for escaping.

6. Back patio: still a little cold out, but can be used as a safe haven. Still a community area, so please have respect!

I think these are acceptable, reasonable expectations for 4 adults, don't you? That way, coexistence at the pool is at least marginally livable!

What are you doing to alleviate anxiety at your house? We'll all get through this, I promise! Stay safe and healthy, and keep treading, just like our family is here at the Stress Pool.

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