Sunday, December 30, 2012

Coming up for Air

The holidays are nearly done, and it's time now to take a deep breath before plunging back to the depths.  Everyone was satisfied with what Santa brought, me included.  Hubby did a wonderful job shopping for the clan.  I received a camera which I fully intend to use as much as possible.  Soon I shall be posting pictures of such treasures as The Chair of Death and the snowman flag that magically brings snow to the region.  (It really doesn't, but I remember one particular winter when my dear friend and neighbor, Donna, called me on the phone and said "Take down the damn snowman - I've had enough!")
We have an old saying in the clan: "Who has more fun that us?"  Recently, Ms. Business came up with the answer: "The people watching us!"  I'm certain that's the case.
Today, Moink and I were standing in the express line at the grocery store.  I had forgotten several items yesterday when we did the medium shopping order.  (More about that some other time.  Yes, there are different sized shopping trips.  This was a medium.)  Moink was purchasing one bottle of Pepsi.  I leaned back to see how much the pop was. 
"It's $1.59, but you can just give me the dollar," I said.  The man behind us, who had been engaging us in friendly conversation moments before, stared at me disbelievingly.
"You aren't going to make him pay," the man said.
"He got money for Christmas - sure, he can afford it."
The gentleman was still disbelieving, and when Moink handed me a dollar, I put it in my wallet with the rest of the house money.  Yes, house money.  We budget a certain amount for two weeks at a time.  I bought pop yesterday, but because I don't allow the children to drink 20 ounces of pop at a time, he decided to buy his own.
"You actually took the dollar!" the man exclaimed.
The cashier, a young girl, said, "My mom would have done the same thing!"
"See," I replied, "It's in the mom manual."
Moink looked at me and said, "Do you want me to carry the bag?"
I replied, "Yes, that would be nice."
The man shook his head.   "You should make her carry the bag," he said.
Smiling, I said, "He's a scout, and a good kid.  He'll carry the bag for his mom."
Seriously, I've got the greatest kids - and it scares me that other adults think that was too harsh!
So, Happy New Year - and I hope it holds nothing but the best for all of you, health, wealth, and lots of laughter.

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