Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Brr! The Water's too Cold!

Ah, mid-January, and the water is freezing.  No, I'm not talking about the actual temperature of the water outside - don't be silly!  We can see that it's frozen over, but the ice is way too thin to skate on! I'm talking about the warmth of the holidays ending, leaving in its wake the cold, harsh reality that those days are falling away from us, fast.
I often look at Hubby and myself as the lifeguards.  After all, we're the ones who have to keep the pool clean and make sure that nobody "drowns".  While the high holidays were upon us, the pool kept regular hours, everyone played nicely, and it was downright sunny!  Once those days were past, however, it pretty much ended.  Both only children, Hubby and I often don't get the sibling rivalry thing.  Our children do.  They are masters.  I'm glad to say that things have calmed down and now we're in for the long winter haul.  We're glad to see some of our favorite shows come back for a new season (remember when shows played from September through around the end of March and that was a season?).  "Once Upon a Time" is a fave, and everyone was sitting around the T.V. watching, wondering how things were going to weave together.  "Grimm" is another fave, and we're still waiting on that one.  "Merlin" apparently started last week, but we missed the first one.  Do you see the theme here? 
Of course, there is always the rot-gut that the children watch - I'm not even going to mention shows like "Moonshiners" and "Amish Mafia".  Makes one glad that the Kindle is stocked with good reads.  Maybe I'll even catch up on Facebook and get in a game or two of  Angry Birds.  And, of course, if I can muster enough energy, I'll get some good writing time in.  There are query letters to write and send, revisions to be made...the list never ends, and provides some bit of sanity in the stress pool.
Oh Summer, where art thou?
How do you get through the cold winter?  Do you see it as "getting through", or do you love it?

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