Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Leak in the Pool

Can you think of anything worse than a pool springing a leak?  Yet, there it is.  Sometimes just in the lining; sometimes in the wall, but whether the water slowly trickles or gushes, the surface level goes down and somebody is going to panic.
The Stress Pool is always suffering from leaks.  Sometimes there are several going on at once.  The holidays being upon us, grief often washes over us in tsunami-size waves as we remember Eggbert, who took his own life almost five years ago.  Morticia is finishing her first semester of college, and finals are upon her.  Want to talk stress?  Talk to the girl who isn't fond of school to begin with but knows that this is her ticket to the Big World.  Ms. Business is working on an essay to go to college - plus do all the silly projects expected of her at school.  Silly because the holidays are approaching and sometimes it's just too crazy to start something new, so they come up with projects.  This jolts Ms. Business's routine.  She was also subjected to a bullying incident, and that doesn't help matters, either.  Moink carries on as usual, bottling up any stress he might have.  And, Big Brother (the oldest) is hoping to find a job that pays well and where he doesn't have to drive to the ends of the earth on a daily basis.  See?  Several small leaks that when put together create a larger hole.  The water is practically gurgling.
Of course, there is no way to mend it all.  I listen, apply hugs when needed.  These things will all pass in time.  Bullies get theirs in the end; projects are finished and turned in; jobs are found.
Grief is probably the toughest.
Then, when you think all has been patched, you find by talking with others that their pools have much larger holes.  To my friends who trusted me enough today to speak of their woes, I thank you for your friendship and pray for your pools to be patched quickly.  I hope, by listening, I was able to provide a little comfort and understanding.
And, to the rest of you who experience those annoying leaks, may they be patched up so you can jump right back into the pool.
My leak?
Well, Hubby asked what I wanted for Christmas, and then told me what he wanted to give me.  That's another post altogether!
See you in the Pool.

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