Friday, December 30, 2022

You Can't Have Just One

 Greetings, fellow swimmers! The water is a little cool these days - thanks, Mother Nature! Ahh, almost two weeks off. I know some of my colleagues went away for some fun in the sun during this time, but we chose to stay at home and enjoy family, friends, and a little down time. 

You may have been intrigued by the title of this post, and it was carefully chosen for more than one reason. First, and very importantly, there will be two new grandchildren in 2023! Yes, Didi and Big Brother will be welcoming their second child sometime in January, but many of you knew that. We were delighted to hear that Morticia and The Doctor will also be having a baby, sometime this summer! We're so happy for all of them. Looking forward to that new baby smell...Come on, you know what I mean.

Then, of course, there is that other side of me, that creative side that constantly needs attention. A couple years ago, I bought one of those journals that is made up of dots - a bullet journal, I believe it's called. I had decided it would be my Creative Journey Journal. One of the aspects of a bullet journal is to come up with a word for the year. I think that's pretty much the trend anymore, anyway. It's hard for me to come up with one word to focus on for the year - so, I thought I'd go for a word a month, along with a quote about creativity. After all, it was to be my Creative Journey.

Here is page one - what fun I had creating that page! And, if you notice, the right side of the page is cut out so that when you open it, you come to a calendar for the year.

                                             As you can see, there was a lot of work that went into making the journal! There were even spaces for every day of the week, with lots of room to write. Coloring was also a fun part of the experience. I love to color - bullet journal pages, coloring books - it sure relieves a lot of stress! I also love to write, which some of you know. This would give me that chance. 

Yup. There was a lot of writing that went on...for about two whole months! Ah, the best of New Year Resolutions and intentions! Then, I was recording something a few days a week, then maybe one day a week, and well, you can probably guess where it went.

Yeah, it got to this point! Of course, that was 'The Year of Three Addresses', two moves...with a surgery in-between! Was it any wonder there were blank days? (Well, those were the excuses I chose to believe!)

So, excuses notwithstanding, the next year didn't go much better. For 2022, I thought it would be better to just make a page for the name of the month, and a word that I would focus on. I decided to come up with a 'word for the year', but it was more than one. It was 'The Year of Endless Possibilities'. Sparing you pictures of details, it followed the same direction as the previous year, but without wasting so many pages! Still looking for those possibilities...

So, In thinking about what to do this year - because, I really did like the idea of journaling what I had experimented with, and what was accomplished - I thought that this year I would be focusing on making more time for creative endeavors. But, could I find one word that encompassed my goal? Not really. There were all sorts of words, but they mostly had to do with hurrying, rushing - you know, making better time. I found a couple -'Dedicate' was one, 'Incorporate' another. Still, not the best descriptors. I would need at least two words, maybe more, and 'Make the Effort' was the best I could come up with.

Step One: Clean the studio. Once again, as so much of my life is, clutter was becoming an issue. So, I made the effort at the beginning of the week to straighten up.

My studio is divided into sections. This view is of my main work table, drafting table in the corner (with tubes of acrylic paint on the wall), and a drying rack. Painting is my main focus, mostly watercolor, which is laying out on the table, along with an unfinished picture of Little Man that I've been working on for several months. Okay, I worked on it, then let it sit for several months. There is also one somewhere of Simon, also unfinished. The Amazon cards are there because you can actually use cards, or straight edged objects for painting! (BTW, they've been used!) The studio is now ready for use. The bullet journal is going to simply be a journal - not spending my time making fancy pages - where I will still record notes on works in progress. However, I now must focus on a completely different problem...

Step 2: How to work around Art Cat! Simon seems to think I can't possibly make any art unless he's a part of it. Literally - he leaves his fur in my paintings, and water? Well, paint water must taste really good! (I'm certainly not going to try it!) I tried to remove him from the water container one day. What a disaster that was! He's a pretty laid-back sort of cat, but not that day. He's never fought me so obstinately!

So, more than just one word to describe something, more than just one grandchild to look forward to the arrival, more than just one Christmas cookie, more than just one Lay's potato chip...more than just one hug to all my friends and family.

As you roll into 2023, I wish for all of you a year filled with happiness, good health, and time to explore your passions. Stop by the Stress Pool anytime - but you may have to bring your own refreshment - I don't trust the cat!

Monday, December 19, 2022

Trees, and Wreaths, and Santa Hats - Oh My!

 Wow, it's been awhile since I've come up for air! 

Just treading water these days here in the Stress Pool. After all, the holidays are fast approaching (did I hear someone out there giving a primal yell to relieve that stress?!) and along with that, the end of the semester. (Now I'll give my own primal yell!) Amidst trying to get work in for grades, cleaning brushes before storing them, and packing everything up before I move to the other intermediate school, all the while listening to and rehearsing the Vivaldi Gloria (we're singing that for our Christmas Eve concert), I'm also peeling children off the ceiling.  

"Play Christmas music!" they whined. I put on the Vivaldi.

"No, Christmas music!"

"This is Christmas music."

"It's opera."

Spoilsports. I found a lovely Christmas instrumental site on Youtube. All guitar. They're rendered speechless, however, as I make my rounds through the room, occasionally I'll hear someone quietly singing along. Everyone is happy.

All in all, December whips past in a whirlwind. Add to that the Sprinkle for DiDi - yes, baby number 2 arrives in January, and because it's a girl, there were some things that they needed. In case you aren't aware, if you don't need an all out Shower, for baby number 2 it's called a Sprinkle. Not sure if somewhere in the world there isn't something called a Downpour. DH had a birthday - even though he won't let us 'celebrate' it, and so did Little Man - his is two days before Pawpaw's.

However, we're not so busy we couldn't take time to make cookies! Morticia mentioned sugar cut-out cookies. Easy! We'll get some Pillsbury refrigerator cookie dough, and we'll be all set to go. Guess what all the stores are out of a week before Christmas? Yeah, I don't know why I thought they would still have some. Fortunately, Mrs. Fields came to the rescue, and I found a recipe in my Mrs. Fields Cookie Cookbook. Low and behold, we had everything needed to make them! I made the cookie dough when I got home from church and put it in the fridge to chill. Morticia came over in the early afternoon and we set about rolling out the dough and cutting out the shapes. She mixed up the colors for the icing. It really didn't take long for the cookies to cool down, so we were ready for decorating! Moink came down to join in the fun.

Moink started on the red stockings- we found he was a real natural at decorating!

Morticia did a fabulous job with the wreaths and the trees - she is also very creative and talented when it comes to decorating!

Two of Moink's creations.

Here, we have a vast array of our creations. You can really see the wreaths and trees. Don't look too closely at the angels or snowmen...I might be an artist, but cookie decorators everywhere can breathe a sigh of relief that I won't be trying to take their jobs any time soon! 

And, if you look closely, you might spot one, lone Santa hat. There's a story behind Santa hats at our house, which I might have related in an earlier post. Long story short, in the middle of a tirade, I apparently was interrupted by spotting a Santa hat in with the decorations, stopping me mid-yelling-at-children. They will never let me live that down! Since I don't have a Santa hat cookie cutter, I took what was left of the dough and formed one. Once it was decorated, well, there it was - a Santa hat!

After we were finished - and it really did take the entire afternoon- Morticia mentioned that it had been quite taxing!
But, we had a good time, and it was a pleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

So, Merry Christmas to all of you - hopefully, I'll be able to write again soon - at least, sooner than 4 months! I'll also try to include more pictures - after all, they're worth a thousand words! In the meantime, stay warm, watch out for the elves - they're not always nice, you know - and stop by the Stress Pool anytime for a cookie and hot chocolate!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Party's Over...

 Hello from the pool deck! Thought for the day: Nothing is ever easy, is it?

But then, if everything was easy, where would the Stress Pool be? Nonexistent, I suppose.

We have the opportunity to put in fourteen hours before the start of school for which we get paid a little extra. Fourteen hours (the equivalent of two days) may sound like a lot, but in the grand scheme of things, it is a drop in the bucket. I was ready. I was going to go in and order things from the copy center (a way not to use all the copy paper at the school, and less wear-and-tear on our machine); work on class lists and seating charts...and then...

New computer monitors! Wow! But wait, I can't get into my computer. What's this? Undo a connection to see if something was loose. Great! Computer! Wait, now no projector...WTF?!!!

Okay, put in a ticket for tech to come in and fix this one. Deep breaths, get out the flash drives that have YEARS worth of lessons...wait, where is Word?


Okay, so now I'll print these things off at home, bring them in, and make my bazillion copies here. No problem. Put away supplies. Set up my desk. Print out the class lists (this, I was able to do). Crickets. Paper for student folders hasn't come in - in fact, it wasn't even ordered! I got as much done as I possibly could. I mean, there is always stuff to do: organizing, purging, planning. But, when you're focused on doing one thing, shifting gears isn't always easy. Well, this too shall pass.

As far as I know, my projector still isn't up and running - but wait, what does it matter? My presentation can't be read by my computer because THEY HAVEN'T INSTALLED THE NEW VERSION OF WORD YET! At least, this is what one of my colleagues told me was going to happen, but I haven't heard anything yet. Sigh.

In-service is at the end of this week, and I absolutely refuse to set foot inside a building until then. I plan to enjoy my last few days at home, mostly in my studio, as it is too cold and cloudy to enjoy the actual pool - but hey, that's okay. I should be home early enough on those first couple days to come home and jump in! And, seriously, I will probably be more than ready to submerge my stress in the pool!

As for the book fest of summer - 21 books this year! I have one more to go in the Mitford series - I'll have to request the book through the system. Our book club read "Black Cake", which I believe I mentioned in the last posting. Good book - highly recommend. DH was reading a series, so I started it (gives us something to talk about!) in the fantasy genre. "Unsouled" is the first, and "Soulsmith" is the second - both good, but as often happens with fantasy, I need a little time to digest it before diving into the third book. The author is Will Wight - and if you like fantasy, you would probably enjoy these. I am currently reading one called "One Thousand White Women" - don't ask me who wrote it - but is based on something that didn't happen in history - but might have! It is written as if reading a journal of a woman in 1875 who is being shipped off to the Cheyenne tribe to be a wife as a peaceful exchange with the American government. I probably did a lousy job explaining it, but if you're looking for something different, and you like historical fiction, you might enjoy this one!

As for the family, Big Brother and DiDi are expecting a little one - a girl (long story about why they know, but all is well!) and the Little Man is being prepped for the coming this winter. Morticia will soon be finished with her current cosmetology program, and will begin the special effects program in October. She's quite excited! Ms. Business and Moink are both doing just fine, too - she's already tired of working (aren't we all!) and he's looking for gainful employment.

DH is counting down the minutes until I'm off to work again, even though I keep to myself while I'm home, and don't bother him with stupid things. He'll miss me, I'm sure! And Simon - well, he will be bereft while I'm at work. You can always count on the animals in your life, be it a dog or a cat - they love you unconditionally!

So, the Stress Pool is in full swing, even at this late date of the summer. Stop by, tell me what you're reading, how your loved ones are, and we'll share a toast to what was one heck of a summer. Until next time, keep your head above water!

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Halfway Through the Run

 Greetings, fellow swimmers! The title for this post may be a bit off - we all know I don't run anywhere anymore, as those days are well behind me. However, we are at about the halfway point of the summer. Being more of a 'glass half-full' than 'half-empty' sort of person, I do realize there are more days of fun in the sun ahead of us than what we've left behind. That said, it seemed like a good time to update you on what's been going on here at the Stress Pool. 

DH and I made a trip to Washington D.C. recently because I wanted to see one of my favorite musicians, Ludovico Einaudi. He's the most streamed musician in the world - at least, that's what they said by way of introduction at the concert. He's from Italy, and the closest he was coming to the Burgh was D.C.  So as a Christmas present to myself last year, I bought two tickets to the concert, which would be held at the Kennedy Center. Bonus: we've never been there. That whole experience is a story by itself - finding a hotel near enough to walk to the Kennedy Center, but wanting to be cautious walking through our Capital city at night, finding a shuttle we could catch to the KC just a couple blocks from where we stayed, looking for was an adventure, to say the least! However, the music was SPECTACULAR. He played for two solid hours, no intermission. If you've never listened to him, I suggest you try. Most of his music is expressive, yet soothing to the soul. My favorite is 'Fly'. The first time I heard it, I imagined Eggbert's soul ascending, and still get that feeling every time I hear it. The following pictures are: Me waiting to go inside the Concert Hall (yes, we had to wear masks); Waiting for Ludovico; and a shot of the grandeur of the Kennedy Center.

We then traveled northward to Lancaster, PA, and spent a few days relaxing and shopping. We also went to the Sight and Sound Theatre to see 'David'. Truly, it is all about the sights and sounds - down to sheep running through the main aisle! (And, the attendants who came along behind to clean up after the running sheep...) The only sense not used was taste, unless you bought a snack at the concession stand. Highly recommend going there if you've never been before. We'd like to go back next year to see 'Moses'. Wow, already planning for next year!

Here at the Pool there has been a lot of reading. I usually strive for 10 books through the summer - I'm already up to 12! Our book club read 'The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo' - it was a good read. I picked up a book of poetry at the library called "When I am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple" - title based on the poem 'Warning' by Jenny Jones - one of my faves, which was included in the anthology. However, many of the other poems and essays made me a little sad - I guess because I'm closer to that point of my life than the editor of the anthology! I'm still making my way through the Mitford books - a good, clean read that waxes nostalgic of small-town living in the not so distant past. Jan Karon separated the books into two categories: At Home in Mitford series, and then the Father Tim Books. I'm about to start the second part of the series. Thanks to Tommy and BFFB for recommending those. A friend recommended a Jodi Picoult book, "Small Great Things" - wow. Just, wow. Very powerful, and raises many questions of what you know and feel about racism. A must-read, if ever there was. Along those lines, our book club's summer read is 'Black Cake' by Charmaine Wilkerson. A well-told story. That's all I'll say, in case one of my book club buddies is reading this, and hasn't read the book yet! Looking for a good mystery/thriller? Anything Kendra Elliot. I just finished her Mercy Kilpatrick series. She ties it up nicely. Another thriller I read was 'Trust No One' by Debra Webb. Yup - highly recommend! DH has also been doing a lot of reading, and he usually passes on his reads to me - that's the beauty of sharing a Kindle library!

And, the reading list goes on...I'll update you after I've read a few more. 

Otherwise, there has been a little artwork happening - I did finish a painting I've been working on for awhile - I call it White Rose. Keep it simple, I always say! 

There are a few others in the works, but not nearly enough done on them to share yet.

Well, that's it for now. No, I have not yet organized the linen closet, nor have we unpacked everything from the garage yet. There is still a little time to do those things. For now, let's unplug from the craziness and sit in the pool. Bring your favorite beverage and some stories from how your summer is going, what you're reading these days, and what projects you've got going. Remember, the Stress Pool is always up and running!

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Summer 2.0

 Happy Summer! 

Here at the Stress Pool, we are enjoying some free-time by sitting on the screened-in porch and enjoying the real pool on the few days where it has been hot enough to warm the water! Life in the new house is good. The new bathroom is beautiful, and a walk-in shower should enable us to stay here until the bitter end - the whole idea of 'this is our retirement home'. Now for some window treatments...and a new roof. Oh, the joys of owning a home!

 My colleagues and I left school the other day a little war torn, but still standing. Seriously, any educator who made it through this last year should be proud to stand up and declare victory. The kids, too. It was just as tough on them. I don't believe that next year will be easy, but it shouldn't be quite as challenging as this one was. Now, time to recuperate, and what better way than by seeing friends, working on some artwork, taking little vacations, and yes - reading!

Back to the 'Summertime book a week' reading fest - and I have quite a line-up ready to go. I've already put down a couple that I have to mention. One is 'Verity' by Colleen Hoover. Wow - I couldn't put it down, even reading while stirring the sauce on the stove! If you like a good suspense novel, this would be the one to read. 'Honeysuckle Season' by Mary Ellen Taylor was also a good read, another one that only took a few days to read.

We have a lot of books on our Kindle library, thanks in part to DH, who probably buys more books than I do! We had started a series by Kendall Elliot that focus on FBI agent Mercy Kilpatrick, daughter of a prepper in Washington state. The titles all have the word 'Merciful' in it. I finished book 3 after a long hiatus, and look forward to book 4 in the series. Our book club is reading "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo' by Taylor Jenkins Reid, and while I'm not too far in, it is proving a good read. DH has also been reading a lot lately. He'll look at me and say "I just finished this book - you would like it." (And, he's right -there haven't been too many books I haven't liked!) Tommy, BFF's brother from the Great White North recommended a series that revolve around a little town called Mitford, by Jan Karon. It's a nice series showcasing small-town America in the mountains of North Carolina, and are truly delightful. I just got three more from the library - I'm about halfway through, and there are maybe 13 in the whole series? Maybe 14, plus a cookbook. Loving the Bethel Park library!

I've discovered a watercolor artist's Patreon page - Louise de Masi. Her tutorials are informative - she's a fabulous teacher, and her videos have been super instructive. Yes, this old dog can learn a few new tricks, and my goal this summer is to improve my skills. I want to be an artist when I grow, when I retire! It will be a few years yet, but there's no time like the present to prepare.

Then, there is the pool. Ahh, grand days floating around the cool water. The Pool has been a source of stress lately - I know next to nothing for how to take care of a pool! We've contracted with someone to come and take care of the chemicals all summer, but there are other parts that often have me stymied! This too, shall soon become old hat, and life will move on.

 Of course, there is also a bevvy of boxes in the garage that still need to be unpacked, the linen closet to be reorganized, and drawers to be gone through. There are movies to see - we watched 'The Batman' tonight (bet you didn't know I'm a closet Batman fan - ever since the Adam West days!). Cinematography was out of sight, and surprise - Robert Pattinson made a super Batman! I wanted to get a drink of water, but didn't want to miss any of the action - and there was a lot of action! We haven't seen the new Downton Abby movie yet, and I fear it will be On Demand before we know it!

There have been 4 owners of this house in the last fifteen years (yes, including us), and somewhere along the way, someone put in raised garden beds on the side of the house. It took a few times going outside and digging up the weeds, but they're finally clear. Now, I just need to get some top soil to mix in, put down some weed fabric, and plant some banana peppers, a cherry tomato plant, basil, and maybe a zucchini or two. I also thought it might be fun to try a pumpkin - we've never done that before! Big Brother said he would help me put up the fencing - he did such a good job on DiDi's garden. That will keep me a little busy, too. And Moink...but he doesn't know that yet!

Ahh, summer. Yep, nothing better. If you're in the area and feel like talking books, or digging in the garden, or just floating around the pool, then stop on in! You're always welcome in the Stress Pool!

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Its Not Exactly Capistrano...

 Greetings, friends! I apologize for the long recess, but my, hasn't time flown! Or, maybe it hasn't. Whichever it is, spring has sprung, flowers have popped up (and been eaten by rabbits and deer!), and the grass has been cut several times already. The real pool will be opened sometime this week, and before we know it, we'll be able to jump in and slough off the troubles of the day. Moink can't wait, and neither can I.

About the reference to Capistrano. You've all heard of the famous swallows that return every year to Capistrano on the same day. Well, they've got nothing on Cecil Intermediate! One afternoon, as my friend Sam and I waited to go to our cars, we noticed a robin hopping about near our Principal's car. Then, the fine feathered creature flew up and sat on the mirror. Now, if you've ever watched birds, (my mother-in-law used to have parakeets), they LOVE to kiss the bird in the mirror. Well, let me tell you how much this robin fell in love with this car- so much so, it left several deposits! We couldn't help but laugh, but thought nothing of it as we got in our cars and drove home.

As I pulled into a space the next morning, I noticed the little robin happily making its acquaintance again with the car - pecking at the hood, kissing the mirror... Laughing, I snapped a picture, then sent it to my principal, who was astounded and annoyed that the bird was back. He went out and moved his car, and for the next several days, he parked in several different spaces trying to thwart the little bugger. I started to pull into a space one morning and stopped short - there were two robins standing in the empty space, staring at a black car. When I saw whose car it was, I couldn't help but laugh out loud! They had their little heads cocked to the side as if wondering if that was indeed their friend - and, of course, it was a little disconcerting to see the robin had brought someone else to the party! I considered parking elsewhere, but decided they would figure it out, and my vehicle would be safe.

Later that day, Sam told me the robins had started on his car - again, pecking away at the hood, kissing themselves in the mirrors...and he, too, has started parking in different places in the parking lot. Then, just the other day, we noticed another teacher had parked in a completely different spot than usual. Robins - go figure! I suggested that maybe we need some sort of distraction for the birds, like whirligigs or windmills along the front of the parking lot that might make them stay away from the cars. At least, the cars near the garden toys. I guess the rest of the lot would be up for grabs. Maybe that would be a good art project for the kids next year. Something to think about, anyway!

I don't know if the kind folks in Capistrano have this issue with their swallows, but the robins of Cecil Intermediate are beginning to make a name for themselves, at least among the faculty! Fortunately, here at the Stress Pool, we haven't had bird issues - no crazy nests in odd spaces like we had on Grouse - we used to have a robin every year try to build a nest on top of the outside backyard light fixture! They sometimes pick the worst spots to try to build a nest. And, I can't but believe it was the same robin - there can't be that many misguided birds in the world, right?

So, if you're in the neighborhood, stop on by for a dip in the pool. Bring a towel, grab a snack, and we'll chat about the crazy things that happen around us - after all, that's why we have the Stress Pool!

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Poor February!

 Greetings to all my fellow swimmers! My goodness, February has certainly brought us a variety of weather, has it not? First, we'll lay some of the blame at the feet of the groundhog. He hardly ever promises us an early spring, when in reality, we still have "six more weeks of winter", at least according to the calendar.

One of my dear friends has a birthday in February - the very first day - and she'll remind me every year that she absolutely hates this month. Not because of her birthday - she just hates February. It's dull and gray, and often snowy and cold. Just an ugly time of year for us here in the mid-Atlantic. I'm not usually crazy about February, because this is the anniversary month of when Eggbert died. I've made a little peace with it over the years, but as the date approaches, I often become a little more introspective. Poor February!

This is also that time of the school year where you look at the sea of faces in front of you, who are also feeling that we are trudging through time. They are also sick of being inside; of cloudy, gray days, surrounded by Institutional Green walls, or if you're lucky, Buff; of no Ranch dressing for your carrots - only if you're getting a salad; of 'keep your hands to yourself' mantras. Poor February!

Something is trying to poke out of the garden in the front of the house. Since we haven't been here all that long, I'm curious as to what these little shoots are. Tulilps? Dafs? Crocus? We planted some daffodils in the backyard by the end of the forsythia line - but it has been too snowy, and now muddy, to muck out there and see if they're starting to pop out. I'm sort of afraid they will, and we'll get another round of ice and snow. I'm so looking forward to seeing the little mass of yellow - my favorites - and thanks to DiDi for getting them for me. Even more thanks to Big Brother and Ms. Business for planting them! 

DH has been sort of glued to the house - we're having the first floor bathroom redone. That's been something. As someone who is no stranger to home improvement projects (I joked for a long time how my father's projects lasted a good 15 years!), this one has been interesting, to say the least. It started on January 31st. The room is 42 square feet - tiny! It still isn't done. Probably because we asked for the moon on this one.  It's all going pretty well. The new shower install is in, as well as the new floor. Oh, it was the wrong insert, but that was an error on the original paperwork, and we're okay with what was installed - our original choice instead of the change we made the next day. Oh, and Waste Management took the wrong green bag of trash - they took the one that wasn't quite full, and left the other that is overflowing! I have a sink and a toilet in my living room - unusable, of course. Here's hoping that by the end of the week, I won't have to trudge up the steps or to the basement to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. That's been the worst. Trying not to drink too much water so I won't get up, but with some kidney stone issues, I've got to drink the water! Sigh. The upstairs shower has a hole in the bottom of the tub - something we didn't see during the final walk through when we bought the house. Ms. Business said, "Just keep your foot on the hole." Have you ever played 'Twister' in the shower? I'm really not that flexible...DH said "Use the downstairs shower."

He bought a really dark shower curtain, and I feel like I'm in a cave. No, thank you. Once again, sigh.

So, poor February! Soon we'll have the sunny (and cloudy) spring days brought to us by the month of March, and I'll have crossed another month off of the school calendar, getting ever closer to those happy days of June. Moink looked out the back window one day last week and said, "I can't wait to use the pool again." Amen brother, amen!

If you're in the neighborhood, stop by the Stress Pool and see if we're still swimming, or if we need the help of a floatation device! And, if you're one of those February haters, remember, it is the shortest month, even here in the Stress Pool!

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Being a Decent Human

Greetings to all my fellow swimmers! Is anyone else done with winter yet? I shouldn't complain - we need the precipitation in order to have a lush, green spring and summer, and yet...there is something about the grays and whites of winter that while they are calming, can also be downright depressing when it's too cold to go outside to enjoy it!

I believe the term for that is 'cabin fever'! Some call it SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder. When I taught part-time, I was home for two and a half days, and I can remember standing at the picture window in the living room and just despising winter...waiting for the green of spring. Back then, I wasn't a fan of summer, either - now, bring it on! Moink mentioned last night that he can't wait to reopen the pool. Something to look forward to.

DH sent me an article to read written by Tom Nichols, entitled It Might Be Time to Retire 'Jeopardy'.  The article was interesting - Google it and read it if you have a minute. He was a former contestant in the days when the rule was five and done, meaning you could win up to five shows, and then it was someone else's turn. They got rid of it, and now it's become a sort of profession - learning how to beat the game. He mentions that Americans seem to love this Conan the Barbarian approach. We've talked about this a lot at our house - DH and I, anyway. We love to watch British shows. Maybe it's because of the accents, but I believe the real reason is BRITS HAVE MANNERS. You've watched the British Baking Show - we all have! Who can resist the witty repartee between Paul Hollywood and the contestants? (Not to mention his blue eyes...) If you've never noticed before, watch how the contestants react with one another. There is never any back-biting, laughing because someone's soufle` sank, or someone's bread had a soggy bottom (love that description!). They encourage each other. They are sad to see someone go who just didn't have a good bake that day. The show is entertaining without that feeling of aggressiveness. Manners.

Another favorite is 'Escape to the Country', where people choose a county somewhere in the UK ,and the host shows them three different properties that meet their criteria. No matter how difficult the clients are, the hosts (and the clients) always show the height of politeness. They also don't walk into a house and complain about how outdated it is, or make comments on things that can be changed. If the rooms are smaller than they like, they might say that, but for the most part, are happy to continue looking at the house. It might be apparent they don't like the house, but they still look through it, and find something positive to say at the end of the tour. 

We are lacking that here across the pond. It is apparent in our television shows; our news stories; our politics; our schools. Ms. Business thinks it is because we are a consumable society - and we consume everything, including each other.  It's always someone else's fault, we never have anything to do with a situation. How often do we look for something or someone to blame something on, when we know full well that if we'd been more careful, read all the directions, or just used plain old common sense, a situation or accident could have been avoided? We are also a 24/7 society, whereas they appear to be more of a dawn-to-dusk people. If we couldn't go to Walmart at midnight, would that really be such a bad thing? 

If we could simply go back to basics and use a few more manners, have a thought or care for someone other than ourselves, or even understand for a minute that what someone else believes could be quite legitimate, wouldn't we have a little more patience, feel less stress in our day? I think so. We've stopped watching the evening news. Yes, we still keep up on current events, but the sensationalism isn't part of our day anymore.

Sorry if I've strayed away from the 'Jeopardy' thing, but it's all connected, isn't it? As are we. One person is no more 'right' than the next. What we all need to agree on is human dignity, valuing the person standing next to us in the grocery store, no matter how different they are from us. I hope that's what we've taught our children, and what they will teach their children. We try to stress kindness in school - but if it isn't reinforced at home, it withers and dies on the wind. Be kind, my friends.

That's what's on my mind these days as I float around in the Stress Pool. What's on yours? Please, stop by anytime for a chat and a cup of tea, and we'll put aside all our differences and just enjoy each other's company. Remember, there's always room for you and your favorite floatie in the Stress Pool!

Sunday, January 9, 2022

A Nugget of Information

Here we are, a week into the new year...and how is it going for you?

Keeping up with those resolutions? I know I'm trying! I did make it into the studio five different days this past week, and happy to say that each time it was longer than thirty minutes. Of course, I am one of those people who would much rather be arting...or reading...or making music...than just about anything else in the world! 

Then, there is the 'C' word...nasty thing that it is. That also tends to keep us in a little more than we might be used to. Saw a funny thing on Youtube - I like to watch a comedian, Trey Kennedy - he does a lot of little skits, usually by himself, although someone is filming. He did one "If the Variants were People." Funny, for sure, and totally sums up what we're all thinking and feeling these days.

We started taking Christmas down today. We like to leave everything up through Epiphany (when we celebrate the Magi making it to see the Christ child). That's another thing - we always smoosh everything together in a week or less - we know they didn't make it to Bethlehem until he was a toddler. That's why Herod sanctioned the death of all male children two years and under. In any event, they arrive on 'The Twelfth Day of Christmas" which is AFTER the 25th, not before! 

Anyway, the holidays were fun. Little Nugget was a hoot and a holler! Last year, I bought a snowman at Big Lots. It takes batteries, and when you talk to it, the snowman repeats what you say. So, I excitedly got it out to show Little Nugget, and he was less than impressed. In fact, he was downright horrified. When I got the snowman out this year, I figured twelve months might have made a difference - and, I was right! Nugget thought this was the greatest thing since sliced bread! We also learned a little something about Nugget this year.

You know that old saying, "What's mine is yours; what's yours is mine?"

Nugget's is, "What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine." He wanted to take it home, and we said, "No, leave it here. It will be here the next time you visit." This, of course, brought on a barrage of tears, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Eventually, he calmed, and continued playing. We should have seen the wheels turning.

When he thought we weren't looking, he picked it up, walked over to the bag Didi uses for diapers and overflow toys, and into the bag it went. Without missing a beat, he kept on walking. I immediately took it out, and boy, did I get a look - but no argument. He knew he'd been caught. We're not sure, but one of the indoor snowballs also might have gone the same route. Didi recently gave me the horses that go to the Fisher Price farm that had been Morticia's from when she was a child. He loves playing with it, and has a newer version of his own at home. However, he nipped the little horses without us knowing! Fortunately, they've found their way back home. I expect he'll be slipping them into his backpack the next time he visits.

Another funny thing he did was snitch pieces of candy. We like to get little foil wrapped chocolate candies at a local candy store and set those out during the holidays. Didn't he just discover them? And, he's learned to work the crowd. First, he asked his mom if he could have one, then he asked Big Brother for the second one. The next one, he went straight to Moink to have him take the foil off - Moink, who really can't even touch milk chocolate because of an allergy! After that, he didn't ask anymore - just took what he wanted. One of those times he came to where I was standing, and had the foil off in seconds flat! Then, he threw the foil on the floor. "Pick that up!" I said. He gave me this little grin, bent down to pick it up, then handed me the foil. We had to put them up high for obvious reasons!

So, the nativity set will be put away for another year (maybe next year we can get out the camels and the elephant!), and the snowmen will come out to play. We have a large set of resin snowmen participating in several winter activities - we all know they start playing when we're not looking, right? It's been ages since we were able to put them out, and they'll be happy to be out of storage for January and February! I'm sure Nugget will be excited to see them, too. As long as he doesn't try to stick one in his backpack!

He's a lot of fun, for sure! It's going to be interesting watching him grow up. I'm looking forward to being able to spend more time with him, especially this summer. Until then, work will keep me busy. What keeps you busy these days, especially the long winter days of January and February? Knitting? Reading? Sleeping? (I've always maintained that, as mammals, we should also be hibernating for the winter!) We can always swim in the Stress Pool! It's never too cold to hang out there. Peace.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

A Year of Endless Possibilities

Greetings, and Happy New Year! Have you made any resolutions? I did this year. My plan is to spend at least 30 minutes, five times a week, in my studio. This should be able to be accomplished, and will hopefully become a habit. A 'new normal' instead of falling asleep in the recliner after dinner most evenings. And, maybe even get a few paintings out of it! After all, I want to be an artist when I grow up (a.k.a. retire), and there is no time like the present to begin that journey!

I hope you've enjoyed swimming with us. Ms. Business walked in while I was folding my laundry today and said,  "A new year, same old crap."

Well, yes, and yet...

We've dealt with a whole lot of stuff in the last two years, and while things seem to be evening out (sort of), if you're like me, you're tired of the excuse "But, there's a pandemic!"

Yes, there is, and has been, and it will take a long time to sort out a 'new normal'. Seems that is the protocol for most events in life. You grow up - adulting is a new normal. You might be in a relationship, or get a roommate - and getting used to living with another person, whether for life or for the interim - becomes a new normal. You might lose a loved one - a new normal. We are surviving a pandemic - a new normal.

It is now 'normal' to go to the grocery store and find shelves empty. A favorite restaurant has to close a few days a week because they're short- staffed, or a menu has changed because certain food items can no longer be procured. Did you know that Dioxazine Purple paint is hard to come by? Who knew? I'm sure many of you don't even know what that is - but is necessary for an artist's palette! Moink has given up soda pop, and he replaced it with Propel Mandarin Orange flavored water. It has currently become 'unavailable', and he doesn't like the other flavors. Can't say I blame him. 

Students are in and out of school - it's like someone put in a revolving door and they get lost in the turning. It is causing me to rethink my lesson planning for next semester. I'm going to try out some of my new ideas in the next couple of weeks to see how it works, so that students who aren't able to be in school don't miss out on too much.

Thinking of all these things has led me to dub 2022 as 'A Year of Endless Possibilities." In the end, it's how we adapt to the changes in our lives. We can sit in our self-made corners and twiddle our thumbs while waiting for things to 'go back to normal', or we can make our 'new normal.' I, for one, and headed in that direction. With all the purging, packing, and moving we've done this year, there have been many valuable lessons learned in formulating a 'new normal':

    1. Get rid of what doesn't give you joy. You've heard that one before, I'm sure! We often cling to things that don't have meaning, or that we don't particularly like. Ask my colleague who said she'd moved, and after two years put out a few boxes, still taped, to donate to a local charity. She told them she had no idea what was in them, but they were welcome to them. We still have some things to go through. There are many boxes lining the garage walls that still haven't been emptied. One box at a time. At least I finally found the gravy boat, not in time for Thanksgiving, but we had it for Christmas. I'm still going through clothes! Things that I've never worn, and items I haven't worn in a few years that somebody else may truly enjoy wearing. Time to let them go.

    2. Family/Friends are important. Family might drive you crazy now and again, but in the end, they're the ones who truly love you for who you are. Friends, too. I have a pocketful of wonderful people who I wouldn't know what to do without. Our entire family - Morticia and the Doctor, Big Brother, Didi and Little Nugget, Ms. Business, Moink, and BFF were all here for Christmas day. First time in long time, and it was wonderful. I wouldn't have traded it for the world - although DH was a little concerned: he's just not happy with a lot of noise, and said it was all for me. That's love right there, and the best present I could have ever received!

     3. Time is precious. It's something we can never get back, so choose how you spend those minutes wisely. Today, January 1, was the first day through the entire Christmas break that I didn't have somewhere to be; didn't have someone coming to the house; didn't have to go to a doctor; didn't have to get anybody else anywhere. Wow - what a great day! Did I spend it in the studio? No, but I organized our family recipes so they're easier to find! And boy, did we get rid of a lot! How many granola recipes does one need? (Zero, in my estimation!) It's also important to kick back and relax now and again. Our minds need a good book, or a funny show, in order to heal, to grow, to stay healthy.

    4. Adapt. Situations change; people come and go; s**t happens. Learn to let go and move on. A hard lesson, but so necessary. 

    5. Be Kind. Not just to a chosen few, but everyone. We're all carrying baggage - be nice. We teach that in school - be kind to each other. However, I sometimes witness colleagues being unkind to another - what sort of lesson is that giving? Nobody is more important than somebody else, and if you think you are, think again. People make mistakes. People are people. Get over it and just be a decent human. And grudges? Get rid of them. Wasted energy.

Endless Possibilities. Think of it - what would you do? Are you ready to get rid of stuff, of grudges, of things that make you 'angry'? Who, in your life, supports you? Who would walk that extra mile with you? Love them. Spend time with them. Make time to do those things that make you happy, that make you feel good, whether it be a hobby or a lifetime passion or career. And, most importantly, adapt, but adapt gladly. Embrace the here and now. If you're reading this, you haven't moved on to your eternal reward quite yet, so there is still time!

The water at the Stress Pool often feels as if it is teaming with sharks, but we've adapted pretty well over the years. You just have to be careful at feeding time. So, hug your loved ones close, stay happy and healthy, make those resolutions (and try to stick with them!), and remember, only you can make those endless possibilities happen! Come by anytime to swim with us in the Stress Pool, and let's compare notes!