Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Party's Over...

 Hello from the pool deck! Thought for the day: Nothing is ever easy, is it?

But then, if everything was easy, where would the Stress Pool be? Nonexistent, I suppose.

We have the opportunity to put in fourteen hours before the start of school for which we get paid a little extra. Fourteen hours (the equivalent of two days) may sound like a lot, but in the grand scheme of things, it is a drop in the bucket. I was ready. I was going to go in and order things from the copy center (a way not to use all the copy paper at the school, and less wear-and-tear on our machine); work on class lists and seating charts...and then...

New computer monitors! Wow! But wait, I can't get into my computer. What's this? Undo a connection to see if something was loose. Great! Computer! Wait, now no projector...WTF?!!!

Okay, put in a ticket for tech to come in and fix this one. Deep breaths, get out the flash drives that have YEARS worth of lessons...wait, where is Word?


Okay, so now I'll print these things off at home, bring them in, and make my bazillion copies here. No problem. Put away supplies. Set up my desk. Print out the class lists (this, I was able to do). Crickets. Paper for student folders hasn't come in - in fact, it wasn't even ordered! I got as much done as I possibly could. I mean, there is always stuff to do: organizing, purging, planning. But, when you're focused on doing one thing, shifting gears isn't always easy. Well, this too shall pass.

As far as I know, my projector still isn't up and running - but wait, what does it matter? My presentation can't be read by my computer because THEY HAVEN'T INSTALLED THE NEW VERSION OF WORD YET! At least, this is what one of my colleagues told me was going to happen, but I haven't heard anything yet. Sigh.

In-service is at the end of this week, and I absolutely refuse to set foot inside a building until then. I plan to enjoy my last few days at home, mostly in my studio, as it is too cold and cloudy to enjoy the actual pool - but hey, that's okay. I should be home early enough on those first couple days to come home and jump in! And, seriously, I will probably be more than ready to submerge my stress in the pool!

As for the book fest of summer - 21 books this year! I have one more to go in the Mitford series - I'll have to request the book through the system. Our book club read "Black Cake", which I believe I mentioned in the last posting. Good book - highly recommend. DH was reading a series, so I started it (gives us something to talk about!) in the fantasy genre. "Unsouled" is the first, and "Soulsmith" is the second - both good, but as often happens with fantasy, I need a little time to digest it before diving into the third book. The author is Will Wight - and if you like fantasy, you would probably enjoy these. I am currently reading one called "One Thousand White Women" - don't ask me who wrote it - but is based on something that didn't happen in history - but might have! It is written as if reading a journal of a woman in 1875 who is being shipped off to the Cheyenne tribe to be a wife as a peaceful exchange with the American government. I probably did a lousy job explaining it, but if you're looking for something different, and you like historical fiction, you might enjoy this one!

As for the family, Big Brother and DiDi are expecting a little one - a girl (long story about why they know, but all is well!) and the Little Man is being prepped for the coming this winter. Morticia will soon be finished with her current cosmetology program, and will begin the special effects program in October. She's quite excited! Ms. Business and Moink are both doing just fine, too - she's already tired of working (aren't we all!) and he's looking for gainful employment.

DH is counting down the minutes until I'm off to work again, even though I keep to myself while I'm home, and don't bother him with stupid things. He'll miss me, I'm sure! And Simon - well, he will be bereft while I'm at work. You can always count on the animals in your life, be it a dog or a cat - they love you unconditionally!

So, the Stress Pool is in full swing, even at this late date of the summer. Stop by, tell me what you're reading, how your loved ones are, and we'll share a toast to what was one heck of a summer. Until next time, keep your head above water!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Black Cake was worth the time. I just finished A Merciful Death - I didn't like the ending. What was the name of the other book on our list with the lady photographer and the refurbished greenhouse? It was ok. I'm reading The Hotel Nantucket by Elin Hilderbrand. I'm enjoying it so far. Thankfully the IT did not replace my monitor nor computer this year. I still have a boat load to accomplish but the school year approaches, ready or not! I look forward to a Wendy hug tomorrow and getting the joy or your sweet company. Best wishes my friend and glad to hear the family is doing good. Love ya
