Sunday, January 9, 2022

A Nugget of Information

Here we are, a week into the new year...and how is it going for you?

Keeping up with those resolutions? I know I'm trying! I did make it into the studio five different days this past week, and happy to say that each time it was longer than thirty minutes. Of course, I am one of those people who would much rather be arting...or reading...or making music...than just about anything else in the world! 

Then, there is the 'C' word...nasty thing that it is. That also tends to keep us in a little more than we might be used to. Saw a funny thing on Youtube - I like to watch a comedian, Trey Kennedy - he does a lot of little skits, usually by himself, although someone is filming. He did one "If the Variants were People." Funny, for sure, and totally sums up what we're all thinking and feeling these days.

We started taking Christmas down today. We like to leave everything up through Epiphany (when we celebrate the Magi making it to see the Christ child). That's another thing - we always smoosh everything together in a week or less - we know they didn't make it to Bethlehem until he was a toddler. That's why Herod sanctioned the death of all male children two years and under. In any event, they arrive on 'The Twelfth Day of Christmas" which is AFTER the 25th, not before! 

Anyway, the holidays were fun. Little Nugget was a hoot and a holler! Last year, I bought a snowman at Big Lots. It takes batteries, and when you talk to it, the snowman repeats what you say. So, I excitedly got it out to show Little Nugget, and he was less than impressed. In fact, he was downright horrified. When I got the snowman out this year, I figured twelve months might have made a difference - and, I was right! Nugget thought this was the greatest thing since sliced bread! We also learned a little something about Nugget this year.

You know that old saying, "What's mine is yours; what's yours is mine?"

Nugget's is, "What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine." He wanted to take it home, and we said, "No, leave it here. It will be here the next time you visit." This, of course, brought on a barrage of tears, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Eventually, he calmed, and continued playing. We should have seen the wheels turning.

When he thought we weren't looking, he picked it up, walked over to the bag Didi uses for diapers and overflow toys, and into the bag it went. Without missing a beat, he kept on walking. I immediately took it out, and boy, did I get a look - but no argument. He knew he'd been caught. We're not sure, but one of the indoor snowballs also might have gone the same route. Didi recently gave me the horses that go to the Fisher Price farm that had been Morticia's from when she was a child. He loves playing with it, and has a newer version of his own at home. However, he nipped the little horses without us knowing! Fortunately, they've found their way back home. I expect he'll be slipping them into his backpack the next time he visits.

Another funny thing he did was snitch pieces of candy. We like to get little foil wrapped chocolate candies at a local candy store and set those out during the holidays. Didn't he just discover them? And, he's learned to work the crowd. First, he asked his mom if he could have one, then he asked Big Brother for the second one. The next one, he went straight to Moink to have him take the foil off - Moink, who really can't even touch milk chocolate because of an allergy! After that, he didn't ask anymore - just took what he wanted. One of those times he came to where I was standing, and had the foil off in seconds flat! Then, he threw the foil on the floor. "Pick that up!" I said. He gave me this little grin, bent down to pick it up, then handed me the foil. We had to put them up high for obvious reasons!

So, the nativity set will be put away for another year (maybe next year we can get out the camels and the elephant!), and the snowmen will come out to play. We have a large set of resin snowmen participating in several winter activities - we all know they start playing when we're not looking, right? It's been ages since we were able to put them out, and they'll be happy to be out of storage for January and February! I'm sure Nugget will be excited to see them, too. As long as he doesn't try to stick one in his backpack!

He's a lot of fun, for sure! It's going to be interesting watching him grow up. I'm looking forward to being able to spend more time with him, especially this summer. Until then, work will keep me busy. What keeps you busy these days, especially the long winter days of January and February? Knitting? Reading? Sleeping? (I've always maintained that, as mammals, we should also be hibernating for the winter!) We can always swim in the Stress Pool! It's never too cold to hang out there. Peace.

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