Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Passion in the Pool

The Stress Pool isn't as crowded these days, but it still carries the same amount of trouble as always. Moink is quite sad that his sister is away at school because now he is the focus of all the attention. As an only child, I remember receiving all the attention and desperately wishing there was someone else to blame something on - anyone! I usually blamed one of the parental units. Yeah, that worked! So Moink wants to know why we're paying so much attention to him and what he's doing. It freaks him out, so maybe it's worth doing anyway!
Ms. Business is going to get a name change. It appears they read a book for freshman forum about finding one's passion. Marketing isn't her passion, but she isn't sure exactly what it is. I would challenge any nineteen year old to identify their passion - holy cow, I'm still honing mine and I'm way past nineteen!
Speaking of passion, we're coming up on November, also known as National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo to those of us who choose to have no lives that month. No matter that it's riddled with holiday preperations - not to the true Nano. Time to work on the skills of my passion - writing. Whether or not it will get me anywhere, it calms my inner child, and she needs some serious calming down! What a brat she's been lately. Perhaps if I name her, give her an identity, we might come to an understanding. Of course, that might give someone the idea I'm crazier than they think.
Maybe it's all the proof anyone needs. Name searching it is. Meanwhile, on to the novel.

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