Sunday, December 6, 2015

What's for Dinner?

I was a little shocked to see when the last posting was - mostly because it often feels as if time has stood still, while I know it hasn't. Sometimes I just can't think of anything to say - hard for those of you who know me to believe! So, when I mentioned this to Hubby, he said, "Why don't you write about the dish you're making for dinner tomorrow?"
I've always had a love/hate relationship with cooking. I do okay - there's a great story from when we were first married 31 years ago, but that's for another time - but cooking takes a bite out of one's day. And, working people, here's your chance to agree with me - when you get home after a long day of working, the last thing you want to do is stand over the stove. Much easier to pop leftovers into the microwave. Of course, that means you have to have previously cooked something, and well, there you have it. This brought on the birth of the Monthly Menu.
The Monthly Menu consists of an entire month's worth of what's for dinner at the Kelly household. The children have come to live by it - they know when they want to be here for dinner and when they don't. It also provides an opportunity for the best friend of Miss Business, Sweetie-Pie, to pop in and decide what night she would like to come over for dinner. (Consequently, I never know how many people will be here to eat a meal!)
So, every month I pull out the 'Kelly's Good Eats' binder of collected recipes, or one of the many cookbooks we own, and construct a month's worth of fabulous dinners. Since I do most of the cooking, I've been making the menu. Now, to the crux of why Hubby said I should write about the wonderful Sunday dinner I've planned. It's a dish from the Pioneer Woman's cookbook called Whiskey Peach Chicken. Made my mouth water on that cold, November day. What's so special about it?
Whiskey makes Hubby sick.
Well, since we're not drinking the sauce, I'm not too worried. The fun part was buying the whiskey. Since we don't drink it - ever - I had no idea what to buy! It took me over half an hour to pick one out, and it seems to have been met with approval from Hubby. The dish has been made and is in the oven right now - and boy, does it smell good!  Serving suggestion is to put it on a big heap of mashed potatoes - is your mouth watering yet? Mine is. I'll have to let you know how it turned out. One of these days, when I get a website up and running, I'll share the monthly menu with all of you. It really helps out with planning the shopping trip - another favorite. (Loud rolling of the eyes)
Thanks for visiting, and come back for another dip in the Stress Pool soon!


  1. It's nice to see you blogging! I feel the same way about cooking. It would be great if I have a live-in chef to deal with it!

    1. Thanks, Sheri! Trying to get more into the social media thing - just not enough hours in a day. Thanks for stopping by the pool!

  2. First, I need the Pioneer Woman's Whiskey Peach Chicken recipe. Second, I need your entire monthly menu. Thanks, that'd be great.

    1. Jen, here's the link to the recipe for the Whiskey Peach chicken
      Now, as far as the entire monthly for another posting! And remember, the menu is subject to change!

  3. I don't live that far away. I need to see the menu so I know when I should drop by around dinner time. I can offer the same, y'know, if I were organized enough to have a menu.

    1. Dawn, you can stop by anytime to check out the menu! Tonight was eggs and sausage, tomorrow it Reubens, and Wednesday is spaghetti, hot sausage, and putanesca sauce. Just sayin'.
