Friday, August 23, 2013

Sunning by the side of the Pool

What a summer it's been.
Sometime in the late spring, something snapped. Nothing like a bone or a rubber band, but a little switch inside my head, and it clicked me into reality.  When the school year ended and I'd brought everything home (in boxes and bags with every intention of attending to them), I was all set to write. And paint. My favorite things to do.
But, that's what I've been doing for the past few years, and while satisfying, not really. Other things were lacking. Maybe it was the speck of dust on the television stand. Maybe it was my youngest moving on from eighth grade, or Ms. Business getting ready to leave for college. Maybe it was the back porch, my favorite place to hang out in the summer, which hadn't been set up and enjoyed last year.
Maybe it was being sick and tired of feeling dead. Five years of shuffling through the days with a pasted on smile wasn't cutting it anymore.
I spent the summer outside, and asked the kids to help build out the patio. What we didn't know was how much field stone and clay the earth could actually hold! We built a retaining wall (one more row to go!), and the 15' long patio looks so much better! Listening to chirping crickets at night and singing birds in the morning has been refreshing.
Now, Ms. Business is deposited at college, a little nervous, but we're confident she'll be fine.  And, the youngest has completed two days of high school. He's managed to make it home both days, and is relatively happy, except for learning how to be the only child in the house most days.
And, I'm no longer dead. I'm the happiest I've been in a long time, and that's saying a lot.
Time to get back in the water, but this time I'm not treading, but actually swimming.

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