Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sinking in the Stress Pool

Remember sunny days at the pool when you were a kid?  Pinching your nose with one hand and diving in, feet first, closing your eyes and letting the cool, clear water cover you?  And, each time you might try to go deeper than the last until your feet touched bottom.  Then, you'd bounce back to the surface, gasping for air and pushing hair out of your face.
I did that this week.  Pinched my nose and dove, feet first.  There was no reason not to, nothing to fear.  I even joked about it.  The car was in for inspection, and I had scheduled an annual physical and a mammogram.  I'm relatively healthy, so there was no worry.
Until the doctor called the next day about the bloodwork.  It seems that the diabetes leech that sucks on my family finally found me on this dive.  So, life will change a little.  And, I thought I did okay with salads at lunch!
Tonight, I realized I'd missed a call earlier from the mammogram center.  Seems they want a call back.  I hope it's becasue I dropped something that was found and I just have to pick it up.  Guess I'll be calling them tomorrow.
When I spoke with the nurse practicioner to schedule a time to talk about the diabetes thing, she asked if I've been dealing with any stress lately.
Apparently, she hasn't read my blog!
And, I'm still trying to touch the bottom.  Wish me luck!

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