Friday, May 1, 2020

Time is of the Essence

Greetings from the Stress Pool!

It's been a little busy here at the pool, what with wondering what we'll run out of next, and what the stores won't have because everyone is in PANIC MODE! We just know that Simon isn't worried - DH found a huge bag of kitty kibble at the store, and the cat has been keeping his eye on it!

Ms. Business has finished her semester on-line, but she's a bit sad they've postponed the state and national boards for Dental Hygiene. Her summer classes start next week, and one of them is sculpture - I'm kind of excited, because I'm going to see first hand how to use some of these materials!

Morticia and the Doctor are going to profess vows next week - at least, that's still the plan. It's a Quaker, or self-unification ceremony, which you can do here in the Great Commonwealth (since it was founded by Quakers!). We'll just be standing at least 6 feet apart. Except the bride and groom! The reception has been postponed until June, and we're hoping it will still be a go!

On-line learning, in a word, sucks. I spend the entire day on the computer - I'm not complaining, just sort of whining a little. I've learned more things in the past several weeks about how to use some of the things we have at our fingertips that normally I wouldn't even think about, but now suddenly, I'm forced to. I'm not alone - my friend Cynders and I were just commenting yesterday how many new things we've learned. I did have a period of I AM OVERWHELMED AND DONE NOW yesterday when someone introduced me to something new - and proceeded to change several things in my cache of lessons (without a heads up!) Needless to say, the Fine Wine and Spirits stores better be opening up soon. The amaretto I bought in March that should last for at least two years is half empty!

DH and I were talking yesterday about how this crazy pandemic is affecting people. Sleep patterns are crazy - but so are our routines. Look at the commute alone: I can get up at 7:30, get a shower, eat breakfast, and be at my desk by 8:00! High traffic days are when Simon is trying to get down the stairs ahead of me. But it is true. Everyone's sleep patterns are goofy, at least here at this pool. Appetites are off; comfort food looks better and better. More and more people are feeling depressed - including the restless individuals who live here. Nobody is ready to take the bridge, thank heavens, but you can see it in our attitudes, our listlessness. Reading is on the rise here - we read a lot anyway, but now - wow. And, artwork? I do it on the weekends, because by the time my work day is through, after emailing umpteen preteens and their parents, I'm pretty tired. The eyes are bleary, and the best I can hope for a lot of evenings is to binge a show on Netflix. Thank you, Big Brother, for sharing your account!

And now, it's time to rest my fingers after a full day of typing "score indicates missing assignments, and will be changed upon submission of work."
Yes, it is the weekend, and yes, I can still tell!
So, grab your towel, set it about six feet from mine, and we'll laugh about this and all the other crazy things in our lives! Until the next time...


  1. Amen Sista, Amen. Does DH stand for Darling Husband?

    Best wishes for the ceremony. Send pics.

    Honored to be mentioned. I learned two new things in Schoology again today. I'll share tomorrow. I was at the computer literally all day again. I thought it would be getting better, but I am not so sure now. I feel like it is a race to an ever receding finish line.

    Cyber hugs Dear Friend.

    1. Months later...yes, DH stands for Darling Husband. Or Dastardly Husband. Or Devious Husband. Fill in the blank!
