Saturday, January 26, 2019

Telling Stories

Greetings! Stories - we love them, and we all have them, and who doesn't love retelling a story to a new audience? With five children and over twenty years of teaching in my back pocket, I've got loads, but one of my favorites actually involves DH.
Sitting at lunch with my colleagues the other day, a thread was woven that lent itself well to this particular story (which also has back story - please forgive me!) DH has always had hearing issues, but now that he's a card carrying member of Medicare, it stands to reason that the issue has gotten a little worse. One cold, dark Wednesday morning (5:30 a.m. seldom sees sunlight here), as we made the bed together, I sleepily said, "Well, another day closer to Saturday." He chuckled and agreed.
When we sat to eat dinner that night, he said, "Everyone at work got a laugh at what you said this morning."
I put down my fork. "What did I say that was so funny?"
"Another day closer to seventy!"
"While that is true, that isn't what I said. I said it's another day closer to Saturday!"

When I finished the story, one of my esteemed colleagues (who I will refer to as Mr. Science) said, "You make the bed together every day?"
I nodded. "Every day for almost thirty-five years, unless one of us is still in it, obviously."

His comment caused me to reflect a bit on that. My own parents divorced after thirty-eight years of marriage (talk about two people who never should have gotten married in the first place!) DH and I are fortunate. We've have had a lot of laughs through the years, as well as times of hardship, heartache, and tears. No, it hasn't been completely blissful, as no relationship ever is, but we've weathered through. Planning meals (back to the monthly menu - I haven't forgotten, sometime I will share that with you!), shopping, and yes, making the bed together - key word being 'together'. We enjoy many of the same things - like watching movies with subtitles, and romantic comedies, or curling up with a blanket on a cold winter evening with a good book, and sharing phrases that strike a chord that we feel the other would enjoy. Keeping open the lines of communication, or not nit-picking when the other has been truly annoying.

So, come on down to the pool - bring your favorite book, or your significant other, or just a nice warm blanket. After all, as we all know, we're all another day closer to seventy!

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