Tuesday, December 4, 2018

A State of Mind

The home front isn't the only pool I manage. There is also the school pool, where I spend the majority of my waking hours during the year. And, the motto for this school year is, "I shall not be miserable today."

That sounds utterly ridiculous, awful - and maybe even a little negative. It isn't meant to be, in fact, it's quite the opposite. The past couple of years have been hard, but I realize it was I who made it that way. Approximately 175 children cross my path on a daily basis, all who ask, "What do I do next?", "What are we doing? I was in the Bahamas." Or, my favorite, "Like this?" It can drive one absolutely bonkers.

I repeat myself, at minimum, one hundred times. I repeat myself, at minimum...wait, I think I already said that! I write the directions on the board, and include them in the rubrics they put into their portfolio envelopes, just to conveniently lose them. I would no sooner get a stack of artwork assessed when another stack grew behind my back as I passed back the first stack. I sort of began feeling like a lab rat in an endless maze. By the time the third show came around where I was to send artwork to the High School art teacher, I couldn't keep track of name tags, artwork, supplies...total nightmare. I would come home exhausted, cranky, and downright miserable.

Not this year.

There are still several years to go before retirement can occur, and I woke up one morning this past summer determined to change my attitude. It was necessary for survival. "I shall not be miserable today."

Even when someone cuts through an entire ball of yarn trying to cut one piece.

Even when they don't follow the directions, no matter how many times I've explained it.

Even when I have to cover someone else's class because of the substitute shortage. (My apologies to colleagues who teach math - you don't even want me to talk to them about math! I don't math - I art.)

Even when someone 'borrows' my supplies and doesn't return them - especially the ones I've supplied myself!

Even when it's cold, and I'm tired, and want nothing more to be in my slippers and sweats.

It's all a state of mind. One of my dear colleagues also has a motto this year. It's " F@%$# it."
Also a state of mind, and not necessarily negative. Survival, people, it's all about survival.

"He who retires with sanity intact, wins."

And now, it's December. Christmas music rings in the air, and they're still eating Halloween candy - or have started on the candy canes. There is nothing like talking to a room full of nearly teens in December and May - it equals about the same result. Blank stares, or they look at me as if I've got three heads with tentacles sprouting from my shoulders. You would think that would garner interest - nope.

"I shall not be miserable today."

In this season of Advent, may we all find that inner peace that takes away the miserableness that is sometimes thrown in our way, and turn it into something joyous.

Thanks for stopping by the Stress Pool, where things are always interesting!

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