Sunday, August 18, 2024

Here's Looking at You, Kid!

 Hello, is that you looking in at the Stress Pool? Good to see you again!

Well, sort of. 

Not that it isn't good to see you, but that you are just a little fuzzy. Let me get a little closer.

It has been an interesting summer, that's for certain. It wasn't awful; it wasn't great, but mostly because of the eye surgeries. I am driving again, and are you ready for the scary part?

In the state of Pennsylvania, you only need one good eye to drive, and that good eye should be 20/40 or better. So be assured, my good eye is 20/20!

Not the other one.

Yes, I did get glasses, and already I fear the eye has changed a bit and the glasses don't work. The eye doctor was pleased with how it went - it was really bad, and he said that sometimes an amblyopic eye doesn't bounce in right away, if at all. So, when you see someone going through red lights, or stop signs, or driving over the line, perhaps they don't have 20/20 vision in either eye! Scary, right?

So far, I've done just fine. With driving. I bought some readers for close-up work, and I'm still reading books with large print. Not as much strain that way, so I was able to do some reading. I'll get to the final list before the end.

We also got away for a couple days - DH and I went to Berlin, Ohio, which is Amish country. There are a lot of stores and plenty of places to eat. It was hotter than you-know-where! We brought home a peach pie - best peach pie I've ever had in my entire life. Ms. Business is also a fan, and agreed that it was second to none. We crossed through an area called Tappan Lake - if you've ever stayed there, let me know what you thought. I'm going to look into possible cabin rentals in the area. Just beautiful.

So, pool time (thank you 90+ degree days for heating up the water!), reading, and a little painting (but not much). Am I ready to go back to school? I would like to say yes, however...reasons.

Now, back to the reading list, picking up from where I left off in the last missive:

3 more Denise Domning books: Winter's Heat, Summer's Storm, and Spring's Fury. They feature some of the same characters from the other five books of hers I listed from June;

Of Fire and Lions by Mesu Andrews. We are going to see Daniel at the Sight and Sound theater in Lancaster in the fall. This book is a fictional rendition about the Babylonian exile and Daniel, and his family. Interesting read.

The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. I like her books - gentle reads.

Salt and Broom by Sharon Lynn Fisher. A take on Jane Eyre, the main character's name is Jane Aire, and the school where she teaches is for 'witches'. She's off to take care of a curse, and of course, we meet many of Ms. Bronte's characters, albeit a little twisted. A fun read, for sure!

The Life We Bury by Allen Eskens. This was a book club read - very good!

The Last Sister, The Silence, In the Pines, The First Death, and At the River, all by Kendra Elliott. These are from the Columbia River series, and feature a lot of characters from her Mercy Kilpatrick series. If you've never read Kendra Elliott, and you enjoy suspenseful thrillers, do it!

The Love of My Life by Rosie Walsh. She's lived a lie for 10 years - you'll never guess what happens! I just finished this one today.

Total number of books for the summer: 21. No regrets on any of them!

Time to get out the alarm clock and make sure it's set to the crack of doom; pull out what I'm going to wear on the first day of in-service; and what am I going to eat for breakfast? There had better be a full pot of coffee, that's one thing for certain!

And yes, hopefully there will be a few more warm days to heat up the water in the pool, and of course, evenings on the porch. There is a light at the end of the work tunnel, but I haven't reached it yet. In the meantime, feel free to pop on in, because, as always, the water in the Stress Pool is always perfect, if not a little too hot!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Virtue vs. Gratification

 Hello, fellow swimmers, and welcome to the Stress Pool! My, summer has come with vengeance, has it not? You would think we'd be in the actual pool daily, but since the days have been so oppressive, and then evening thunderstorms following, well, it just seemed that staying indoors was the right thing to do. Then, there was the cataract surgery.

Yes, be it age or just the fact that my eyes have never been the best, the cataracts are ripe for the picking. I opted for the astigmatism correcting lens for both eyes, and the eye doctor said, "We do the worst eye first." What they don't tell you is that it might take some time before you can actually see! And boy, am I glad I didn't get this done during the school year, which was the original plan.

In this age of instant gratification, I thought for sure it would take a few days, then all would be normal. Nope. I've had the lens taken out of my glasses, only to find that my other eye doesn't adjust to the difference. It has made June very interesting, indeed. Patience is a virtue with which I've often had difficulty, and this experience has been no exception. I'm not prone to deep bouts of depression, but I did come close! I'm not one to sit too idly. and had been looking forward to sketching and painting. Patience, Wendy, Patience.

What you should be grateful for is that I am not driving - with everything being fuzzy, I'm just not comfortable behind the wheel. That means my family has to haul me around if I need to go somewhere, like the eye doctor, the allergist for shots, the pharmacy, and wherever else I need to go. (My eye doctor and I are getting to be great pals, LOL!) And, while I'm not one to meander through the mall, or shop a lot, that's all I've wanted to do, probably because I can't. This too shall pass. (At least, I hope so!) Ms. Business and I went to the parish flea market last week - yay, a trip out of the house! I found something I wanted for the studio, and a book of positive quotations called "It Isn't Easy Being Green" - a Jim Henson Book. Loved him. And, it was nice spending time with them.

Stipulations in the discharge papers:  "No gardening. No housework. No lifting anything more than ten pounds. No alcohol (although that might have been because of the anesthesia). No going away for two weeks after surgery. No swimming for a month." WAIT, WHAT?! Summer finally arrives and no pool? So, at the first post-op appointment, when he asked if I had any questions, I said, "Let's talk about the pool."

He chuckled. "We don't want you to get chlorine in your eye."

"I also don't want to get chlorine in my eye - ever. I just walk around the pool and float."

I was given the go ahead, but only after two weeks had passed. That would give me two weeks before the next surgery. Yay! I do intend to get back in again today and as many days as possible next week. Notice, I was not at all concerned about housework or gardening or lifting. DH and I are hoping to go away at the beginning of August for a day or two. My main concern is being able to see well enough to help do some of the driving. As for the alcohol, I don't drink enough to even think about that one.

So, what does one who cannot see do?

Well, I think I'm on the third season of Reba; I watched Disney movies for the first three days; Crazy Rich Asians is on Netflix (if you haven't seen it, please watch - it's one of my favorites!). DH and I have watched The Sympathizer (HBO - a must watch! There are a lot of subtitles, which was difficult for me to see, but I saw enough to get the drift); Bridgerton, season three; and Persuasion. Moink sometimes wants to spend some time with us in the evenings, and we'll watch Taskmaster, New Zealand. Wow, they hold nothing back over there, including language and what they show on television. It's bawdy and a hoot, and we are quite diverted when watching. Seriously though, I've never watched so much on television in such a short time in my life!

And, thank God for the person who invented large print books - as well as the Kindle where you can adjust the size of the font! The summer reading has begun. So far, I have read:

Everyone in My Family has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson - a mystery/comedy that keeps you guessing all the way through;

Simply Lies by David Baldacci - did not disappoint!

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett - wow. Well done, and I couldn't put it down. Very interesting.

Servant of the Crown Series by Denise Domning, which included, in order:

Season of the Raven

Season of the Fox

Lost Innocents

The Final Toll

Caught Red-Handed

It is a series set in medieval times which, interestingly, involve a Norman born knight who becomes what Briton locals call "the crowner", which later translates to 'coroner'. That being said, you can well guess at what he does - and where these adventures might lead! She has another series that involve some of the same characters, and I'll probably buy that one on the Kindle while I wait for other books from the library.

I am also proof- reading Moink's book - the first in his series. He's good. I hope he's able to get an agent and have it published. In the meantime, he's started writing the second book. 

So, three weeks into summer break, and I'm eight books in already. Hopefully, I'll be able to get some artwork in as the eye sight improves - I did finally have some success with a pair of cheaters, which is helping some. I'm wearing them now, and hoping that there aren't too many mistakes! 

The actual pool is refreshing, my friends, and maybe if you're in the area, you'll pop in for a dip, and we can talk about how you spend your time in the summer. And, remember, the Stress Pool is always open! Bye for now!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Updates from the Stress Pool

 Hello to all of you, winter-weary and ready for fun in the sun! The actual pool was opened this week, and is filtering out all the ick left from fall and winter - hoping to be able to jump in around Memorial Day. The Stress Pool, however, never closes, and is always ripe with all-things-life!

Updates: the heart monitor showed I have something called Ventricle Trigeminy, which means that sometimes there are a few extra beats in there. My doctor told me we'll talk about it when I come in for my next visit - he's not worried. Therefore, I shall not worry! But, talk we will.

Cataract surgery is scheduled for the beginning of June on the left eye - which will be quite the experience, I'm sure! I've been wearing glasses since the age of six, so being able to see things in the distance will be a treat, indeed. The second eye will be done at the beginning of July. I'm already planning my trip to the Dollar Store to pick up readers: a pair for school, a pair for the studio, a pair for the purse...and maybe one extra just because. It's a lot cheaper than prescription eye glasses! And yes, I know, I shouldn't plan on this - things can go wrong, We're just hoping and praying everything goes right!

Little Man is graduating from pre-school soon - can you believe how fast time flies? Mouse is working on walking (sort of - she much prefers to have DiDi carry her everywhere!) Big Brother said that they've entered the living room to find her standing up, but when she sees them, sits down and puts up her arms. She's no dummy, that's for sure! She also often looks at Little Man with an expression of 'someday I will get mom all to myself, you just wait'!

Then, there is the little wonder of Morticia and The Doctor. She's a wide-eyed wonder, truly. On track for all things developmental, also clings to her mother! Morticia came to see us and have dinner every Thursday this past semester, as The Doctor was teaching all day and we were a diversion. I would walk in from work, Sweetie Pie would take one look at me and burst into tears! (I think I have that same effect on some students, and I'll never know why!) This past Thursday, after weeks of this, I took her from Morticia as she packed up to go home, and not one tear. Not one! Yay, a small amount of success - and I'll take it! 

Everyone else here at the Pool is just fine and dandy - in just a few more weeks I'll be home for the summer, ready for a bit of relaxation, reading, painting,, the lists never end, do they? As always, if you're in the area, stop by for a dip in the actual pool, and we'll have some tea, or another sort of beverage, and you can renew your membership in the Stress Pool!

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Monitoring the Heart

On February 2nd, Punxsutawney Phil promised an early spring, and we here at the Stress Pool were hopeful that he would be proven right - and by golly, we have been enjoying an early spring! Of course, on February 2nd, the hearts of those who live here were grieving, as BFFB left this earthly plane for the afterlife just several days before. To say it has been difficult would be an understatement, as she left behind a son, a brother, and a lot of friends who loved her dearly, as well as two cats, and a house with a lot of stuff that needed to be gone through. Fortunately, there were a lot of us who were willing and able to pitch in. Without anyone asking him, DH has been going to the house every week to put out trash that others have put together, then goes back the next day to pull the cans into the garage. He and others would go several times a week to help take care of the kitties, until about a week ago, when a loving soul took them into her care. 

BFFB, also known as Barb Riley, was my personal cheerleader. At the end of the week she would send a text congratulating me on making it through another week. While that sounds ridiculous, sometimes you just need someone in your corner, rooting for you, patting you on the back, making you feel like you matter. I miss that. I miss her.

It's been an interesting birthday week for me. We had the whole crew to the house on Sunday for a birthday celebration. Normally, I wouldn't have asked for that, but losing Barb kind of put life into perspective. You never know when your time will come, and celebrating life with the people you love means more to me now than ever. My heart was full that day, and still is - I loved seeing three generations of family all together in one place.

Morticia made a comment about wishing she had a camera to use when hiking with the baby, so I dug out my first digital camera for her. In checking an old SD card, I found pictures from when Moink made his first Communion, Big Brother's high school graduation, and a vacation to Virginia with Mima, Barb, and the rest of the gang. There were pictures of all five kids - one was exceptionally nice, that I would like to print. It did my heart a lot of good to look through and see more memories - a Stanley Cup trip to Detroit with Barb; one with her, her father Jack, and her brother Tom while we watched the final game of that series at their house. The Pens won that year. 

As far as the heart goes, I was "thrilled" to get a heart monitor this morning! What a way to celebrate another year on earth, right? For 3 days, or more specifically, 72 hours, it will be a part of me, monitoring the beats of my heart. I'm supposed to push a button if my heart speeds up, or I'm out of breath, things like that. (CT scans of my head and neck come at the end of the month. So much to look forward to!)

However, while the beat (of my heart) goes on, and the monitor will record them, I'm certain it won't record the love I feel for family and good friends, or the pain of loss. We tend to protect our hearts, yet it is in leaving the heart open we live life to the fullest. The monitor isn't going to record that, but my mind will. 

Stop by the Stress Pool any time, where we can share and make memories. After all, that's what life is all about, right? 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Resolutions Smesolutions

 Greetings, fellow swimmers, and welcome back to a new year of fun in the Stress Pool! Hard to believe how quickly time marches on, but there you have it - a full week into 2024. I don't make resolutions anymore. Not sure if it is due to age, or the fact that by February they've been swept under the rug! Do you still make them and, more importantly, are you able to keep them? While I don't actually do the "I want to.." thing, there are certain things I strive for:

Moving my body...I mean, I know what I have to do. Keeping the arthritis at bay is a struggle. Planet Fitness tells me I have until Friday to decide to get in on a great deal - until the next one, of course! It's just the whole idea of going, especially in the cold and dark of winter! 

Studio, that is something I have been doing this week! My Mentor (aka Donna) and I are going to check in weekly to share what we've been doing in our prospective studios, and I was actually able to do that this week! Looking forward to the days where I'm not 'carving out' time to paint.

Family time...scheduled weekly! Someday it will be easier to devote more time, but for now, knowing there are certain days I will see my cherished darlings is gold.

Reading...goes without saying. Just finished our book club pick, "The Measure." Thought provoking: what would you do if offered the chance to know how much longer you have to live? Would you want to know? What would you do with your time? Good read! (For the record, my answer is no, I would not want to know. Take one day at a time!) Then, I read "When I Was You" by Minka Kent. Wow! Couldn't put it down. I would say we're off to a good start!

Writing in the blog...Yes. The best laid plans of mice and men...Here's hoping I'll get at least one post a month!

Here at the Stress Pool, everyone is well and smoothly gliding into 2024. We wish all of you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. May your days be anxiety free, filled with a laugh or two, with some kindness to and from all sprinkled in. And, if you want to chill out with us by the pool (or the fire, inside of course!) you know where we are!