Sunday, January 24, 2021

And, We're Off!

 The water is certainly warm at the Stress Pool!

The stress is mounting, what with a new semester, 400 new students to teach, and I'm simply reminding myself to breathe. Pretty much every five minutes, but it seems necessary.

Then, there is the little added addition of "THE MOVE".

DH has disliked this house for a very, very long time. His parents bought this house in 1971, and while he did live away for a short time, you could say DH has lived here for 50 years. He's said for the last couple of years that 2021 would be the year we would move. And, as the time approached, he would remind me that it was coming. Last year we leased a storage unit, and got all the holiday decorations and some other superfluous things stored. We did bring the Christmas tree and two boxes of ornaments to the house for the holiday, and now they're back in storage. We also re-inherited our original bedroom set back from Morticia and the Doctor when they moved to their new house, along with a dresser that belonged to Big Brother - those are currently in the garage, waiting to go to a second storage unit, which we will rent in February. My question to DH, once he had retired from his retirement job in December: "So, now that you're home and have time to begin packing,  do you have a plan?"

His answer: "Putting it off."

Well, in two weeks we have gone from "putting it off" into "high gear"! 

Making a somewhat long story short (no somewhat about it!), we've gone through crazy applications processes for house and apartment rentals for places that were already rented (but they were happy to take our money!) to other ideas for what to do about "THE MOVE".

"What do you think we should do?" DH asked.

"I think we should call Eric." Now, picture a real estate agent, young, wearing a flowing cape, arms crossed over his chest. He put American flags on our lawns last Fourth of July. We've been planning on calling him about listing. He's pretty awesome.

On Friday DH arranged for him to come for a visit on Sunday.

After the tour of the house, as we sat having coffee and cookies, DH mentioned that he had thought perhaps we could buy a condo at the Bower Hill apartments - then Ms. Business might be interested in taking it (apparently they had already discussed this). News to me!

Before we ended our meeting, DH looked at Eric and said, "Five weeks?"


So, there you have it. Five weeks. Five weeks to figure out what we're doing, pack up a house, and find a new home for my piano. Morticia and the Doctor are interested. Just a few more logistics.

Yup, the water certainly is warm in the Stress Pool. Better than being cold, I suppose! So, breakfasts are made for the week and in the fridge, and "Adventures in Babysitting" is on the telly.

As Scarlet O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is another day!" So, next time you're in the neighborhood, stop by the Stress Pool. And, don't worry - the pool is portable. It follows me wherever I go!

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