Sunday, December 13, 2020

One and a Half Minutes Left in the Game

 Hey there! Welcome back to the Stress Pool, where the water is warm and the concession stand never closes. Christmas cookies are on the menu now, along with eggnog and everything to go with it!

Have you ever noticed how you end up with a train of thought, with no idea of the origin? That happens to me all the time, like it did this morning. DH and I were on our way to the grocery store, each mired in our own thoughts. Mine were stuck on trying to remember today's date. (I eventually did, by the way!). Then, it came to me how close we are to ringing in the New Year, and beads of sweat broke out along my hairline. "Oh no," I thought, "don't jinx it!" Don't worry, nothing was uttered out loud - but it did remind me of a story.

Many several years ago (and it had to be before 2006, because Jerome Bettis was still playing), Mima, BFFB, and possibly one of the girls and I went out to do a little Christmas shopping. On the way home, BFFB asked if I would tune in to the Steeler game to catch the score. We were in the fourth quarter, and if I remember correctly, it was a very important game. Die-hard fans, Mima and BFFB.

Let me digress here: Big Brother was a kicker for both his high school and college football teams. I know squat about football, except what BFFB explained to me as we sat in the stands and watched our boys - her son, Davis, a year ahead of Big Brother, was also on the high school team. However, there were a few things I learned that nobody had to teach me. One of those things was the course of the game could change at any given moment. You see where this is going...

They were close to the end of the fourth quarter. The Steelers had the ball, and we were ahead. The announcer said, "There's a minute and a half left in the game." Cheers erupted in the car.

Then, I spouted out the one thing I knew to be true: "A minute and a half? Anything can happen in a minute and a half!"

As if on cue, Bettis fumbled the ball, and the other team (whoever they were) retrieved it. There might have been some yardage gained - like, enough to give them points advantage. I don't quite remember all the details, and believe I've blocked it out. It was good for me that I was driving and the car was moving, if you catch my drift. I might have found myself stranded on the road! No 'bad' words were said, but apparently it was my fault the fumble occurred, and the mood of our group was radically changed. 

"How could you say that?"

 "What's wrong with you?"

 In the fraction of a second I'd failed my mother, my children, my friends, my city. Just lead me to the path of shame!

So, this morning as we drove along and my thoughts drifted, I bit my tongue. No, I did not say it, nor will I type those incriminating words here. I will not be blamed for any troubles in the New Year brought on by jinxing events that have nothing to do with me, because I obviously hold some crazy power over the cosmos. For the record, last New Year's eve I did not say that 2020 would have to be better than 2019 - I didn't think 2019 was that bad! So, if Atlas shrugs, oceans rise, mountains fall, or your car doesn't start, it won't be my fault.

Wondering what happened in the game? In order to regain my status as a respectable Pittsburgher, I said, "There is still over a minute left; anything can happen!" Amid groans by my companions and by some miracle, Pittsburgh regained the ball, scored a touchdown, kicked the extra point, and won the game. I was redeemed, but it was decided that I should never listen to or watch a Steeler game again. And I haven't. So, when they lost last week and broke their winning streak, that was somebody else's doing, not mine. (We will not count that 10 seconds where I checked the score and saw that we were ahead.)

Let's just live in the moments we have left this year, and keep looking for the good. Our family has had a lot of good runs in the midst of the chaos and turmoil. We have each other. We have good friends. Even some scary health moments have been overcome, at least for now. I just need a little work on keeping track of the thought train - especially the express!

So, pop on down to the Pool, and we can talk about what's on our minds, but maybe after the game. You know.

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