Saturday, December 23, 2017

Carving Out Calm

It's almost time to turn the page on the old year. Looking back on 2017, DH and I reflected that it was a very expensive year, but a good one. We welcomed in a new daughter as Big Brother and Didi tied the knot.(And, kind of another, as I've sort of adopted her sister, too!) We had a LOT of work done on the house - from new electric lights, switches, and outlets, to new ceilings in the laundry room and the Nook, ending with a massive painting job inside and outside.

We also welcomed in a new fut baby. Mandy was gone a year in October, and we were offered a darling white and gray cat who had been abandoned in South Park by the former owner. His name was Beast (there was also a Beauty, but nobody knows what happened to her - or him). We first went with Gandalf from the Hobbit series.  (First he was Gandalf the Gray, and then Gandalf the White). A week later he was Oliver, and then he was something else...the four of us just couldn't agree. Then, one day, Moink called him Simon, and he glanced up as if acknowledging that was indeed his name. If you're at all familiar with "The Naming of Cats" by T.S. Eliot, every cat has a name known only to himself. I think we just happened upon it, so Simon it is. He's been a very fun addition to our family.

Good things have also happened. Didi landed her dream job in the fashion merchandising industry. Big Brother was offered a promotion that will take effect after the first of the year. Morticia was offered a position as a funeral director at the mortuary where she's been interning. Ms Business has been accepted into the dental hygiene program at the University of Pittsburgh for the fall of 2018. We see subtle improvements in Moink's health every month, although he still suffers from the headaches. All-in-all, it wasn't a bad year.

So, in thinking on the coming year, everyone asks, "What is your New Years Resolution?", to which I usually reply "None." I know me. It won't last past getting out of the gate. No wreath of roses  as I'll at the end of this race, as I'll quit trying by the end of February. Look at how often I blog despite my best intentions. Deplorable! However, I heard an anchor on a television show say she was going to take time to "Carve out Calm", causing me to pause amidst internal negativity.

Wow. In this crazy, stress-filled world, doesn't that sound wonderful?

Then, thoughts of resolutions past hit me like a cold wind. How is that possible? What could I do to carve out calm? It's like planning to lose weight. Without knowing the steps, reaching the goal is impossible. I know from past resolutions. Just saying it does diddly-squat.

Here's the plan: every day (probably in the evening), I will take a half hour for me, whether it's a bubble bath or reading a book. Maybe a walk in the park. That will be my calm. During the day, which is usually a never ending source of stress, (Hello, did you read the directions? Were you listening? What do you mean I'm over-drawn? Didn't you buy the chicken? What time was that appointment? - you catch my drift!) I plan on resurrecting the age-old practice of counting to ten before I react. I may have to search for an abacus in order to keep track of the counting! And then, there's Tai Chi, something DH and I have been doing once a week. Not only do we get to spend time together, but it really is helpful in rinsing away the stress.

How about you? Thinking about those resolutions for 2018? You still have a week to decide.

From all of the swimmers at the Stress Pool, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and may you enjoy a prosperous, healthy 2018.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my wise friend ... thank you for your insight and encouragement. Humm, I actually like the reminder of New Year Resolutions. More music, more laughter and more time outside (well, when it is warm enough for this southern girl). Cheers Dear Friend and Merry Calmness to All!!!
