Sunday, June 4, 2017

Ahhh, Summer at last!

Well, it's been a while since I last checked in, but it's not easy being pool manager. There's the concession stand to keep stocked, filters that need to be changed, floaties that need to be filled with air, and believe me, there's only so much breath to be had! Now that summer is upon us, we can sing "On the first day of summer vacation, my true love gave to me - a sore throat and a nasty cough!" Yup, gotta love the man, who is in much worse shape than I - he is enjoying the beauty of a bilateral eye infection on top of the cough and sore throat! (There are some things that just shouldn't be shared with one's spouse!)
In the time since I've written, Morticia has graduated from Mortuary School, and is currently ensconced in an internship at a VERY BUSY - and I do mean BUSY - mortuary. She's in her glory. She has also moved in with the Professor, and they have a kitten named Finn, who comes to visit with them, usually on the weekend. It's fine, because we lost our beloved feline of 13 years in October. Mandy developed mouth cancer, and she went peacefully at the veterinarian's office. Amazing how little furry creatures can hold your heart in their paws.
Big Brother is hitting the books hard to obtain his MBA. For fun, he goes to work, takes care of a house, continues planning a wedding with Didi, and is raising a rambunctious beagle - Charlie, my other furry "grand animal"! He doesn't come to visit, but it's nice to see him when I go to see them.
Ms. Business is working toward application to Dental School to be a hygienist, which while in embalming class, Morticia told her fellow embalmers this is what her sister wanted to do, and there was nothing grosser than putting your fingers in someone's mouth. Yes, this brought on a barrage of laughter!
Then, there is Moink, who is still feeling the effects of the concussion. His life isn't what he's like it to be, and we've tried so many things...hopefully, he'll be back to himself soon.
Mima is now in Senior Prison (dubbed so by DH), and of course, she hates it. Can't blame her. One night as Ms. Business and I were leaving after a visit, I pointed out the line-up of the poor lambs in their wheel chairs next to the nurse's station, and said I just cringe at the thought of ending up in that situation. "I would never want to be a burden to any of you, but I'm appealing to you to not let me end up like this."
"Don't worry mom," she said, patting my arm. "Big Brother and Didi will take care of you."
And, we're back to stocking the concession stand for the busy summer ahead, as soon as I stop coughing long enough to make it to the store!
Thanks for popping in at the Stress Pool, where the water is warm and life is beautiful all the time! So, here's to Summer, and may all our plans for long-awaited free time come true!

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