Monday, August 8, 2016

Floating down the Stream

Picture it. Eyes closed, lazily floating in an old tire inner-tube along a cold mountain stream. Your fingertips play in the water, and occasionally you trickle some of that clear water down your arms, soaking in the warm rays of the sun. You slowly pass by trees and a few summer cottages along the way, and once in awhile the stream meanders underneath trestles and bridges. Every so often you have to stand and maneuver through rocky areas, but then the stream begins to flow easy, and you set the tube back into the water, letting the current carry you nowhere in particular. You just go with the flow.

That's how life should be. There are always the rocky areas, but unless there's a terrible drought, you find the stream again and continue on the journey. This summer has been a lot like that.

Writing has been difficult - I find there have been a lot of rocks in my stream this year. Mima (remember trying to find her in the grocery store?) had knee surgery back in January, and  Murphy's Law (if something can go wrong, it will!) kicked in. After several weeks of therapy, she went home, but was back in the hospital two days later, with a staph infection. The poor thing nearly lost her leg, but the doctors were awesome, and saved it. She's rid of the infection, but will probably never walk again. In fact, we're not certain she'll be able to return to her apartment. In the meantime, I'm sent to the store for sausage biscuits, because she doesn't like what they serve for breakfast in Senior Prison.  There are lots of stories there, too, but I'll save those for another day! At least she still has her mind. Or, maybe that isn't as much of a blessing as that sounds. The rocks are pretty big in this part of the stream.

So, while we set about trying to maintain her spirits (and ours), DH takes a couple evenings a week, and Ms. Business (she still needs a new name - business isn't her thing anymore!) goes once in the middle of the week, which is helpful to me, and gives her a little more variety! Believe it or not, I can't come up with sparkling conversation every day. No, really, I can't. Once in a blue moon Moink goes with me, but he's still dealing with getting over a concussion and isn't always up for visiting.

Speaking of sparkling, Big Brother and Didi made it official - ring and everything! Next fall will see them completely in the throes of married life. They already have the house and the dog, so why not? It's been exciting in so many ways....weddings have become quite costly, and nobody can say "Well, at least you're the family of the groom!" anymore. Nope - it's pricey for everyone. Fair warning for those of you who haven't planned any weddings yet!  But, we love her to pieces, and him, so we shake out the purse.

More rocks, but at least these are a little smaller.

School starts in a couple weeks. I'm picking out my mourning outfit for the first day of in-service. There's an old quote that reads, "I hope I die during in-service, for the transition between life and death will be barely noticeable..." Don't get me wrong - I like what I do. I just like free time a little more. Those last minute projects! Should I even mention the "Goals for Summer 2016" list? I've accomplished one - read. That's it. I read several books - some for Book Club, and others just because. One thing not on the list that happened was to refurbish an antique drafting table. It looks absolutely wonderful, if I do say so myself! Finishing up painting a wooden stool these last couple days, and then I'll be set for winter.

So, as I flounder about in the stream that leads to the Stress Pool, grab your inner-tube, jump in, and paddle along with me! Until next time, keep your head above the water!

1 comment:

  1. At times, I feel like I've lost my inner tube and I'm trying to swim up stream. I'll meet you at the pool!
