Saturday, February 13, 2016

Swimming laps

I'm writing this a day early, because today, I have a few minutes. What a week it's been!
Moink has a concussion.
We never had the baseline testing done because he doesn't play sports - he video games. Laughingly, I said to the doctor, "How can he get a concussion doing that?"
Just to clarify, that's not how it happened. He was playing pickle ball in gym class when a wall broke his fall. Shoulder first, head second. He woke up Friday morning with no relief from the head pain, and I decided I should call the doctor for guidance. After all, the school nurse told me she didn't see any signs of concussion, but wanted to let me know what had happened. When I called the pediatrician on Friday morning, first they said, "It's an hour long appointment. We might be able to get you in next week." Then, after a few seconds, she said, "We can fit you in at 9:30."
I had just sat down at my desk, changed from boots to day shoes, and turned on my computer. Adrenaline kicked in as I ran down the hall to find my illustrious principal, who simply said to go, they would try to cover my classes, or not. Reverse the initial process, and out the door I ran.
Mima is getting out of rehabilitation tomorrow. I also have a singing engagement with our Diocesan Choir tomorrow. There is also the food shopping to do, not just for us, but also for Mima, and oh, wait - it's Valentine's Day weekend.
Talk about swimming in the Stress Pool!
Then, on Facebook, a friend shared a beautiful picture of bright blue birds sitting on the tops of stiff reeds, and a little saying beneath that basically reminds one to sit back and listen; breathe in the quiet.
Hard to do while swimming laps in the pool. But, it made me pause. When was the last time I sat down to write? Draw? Paint? Breathe in the quiet?
In Christianity, we are encouraged to give something up or do something positive during the six weeks of Lent, the time leading up to the highest of Holy Days, Easter. I'm not good at giving things up because I always cave. (Besides, the things I used to give up I pretty much can't have anymore, anyway.) I gave up chocolate one year, and after a couple weeks my children begged me to start eating it again! That leaves doing something positive. Perhaps the best thing (and healthiest) would be to take fifteen minutes a day to meditate. It might just be the thing that will help during these stress-filled days of taking care of Mima, going to work, making sure Moink is doing okay, and all the other little things that tend to add up to one big thing.
So, while I'm continuing to do laps in the pool, you can bet I'm going to pause every so often to breathe in the silence. Then, when the moment of creativity rises, I'll be able to meet it with a clear mind, something I don't seem to have right now.
Thanks for visiting, and if you feel like swimming a few laps with me, there's always an open lane in the Stress Pool.


  1. This is great. I've had weeks like that! I love walking in the woods, sometimes with no music, conversation, or audiobook. Its very meditative. Can't wait until it warms up. The treadclimber is not the same!!!

    1. I totally agree! So glad the days are getting warmer and the sun is shining!
