Saturday, February 2, 2013

Another Cloudy Day at the Pool

Time to run the filter through the pool.  Yep, it's venting time for the Head Lifeguard (that would be me).  I actuall think it's cabin fever, even though I get out of the cabin every day.  I just don't like winter anymore.  I used to love it, before kids, before my knees gave out, before...well, that's enough befores!
Moink has conveniently misplaced his winter jacket.  The one he just had to have.  The one he couldn't live without.  Oh, but no worries - he's found that Big Brother's letter jacket from high school fits like a glove, and has been wearing that.  Big Brother doesn't seem to mind, but I'm curious as to what has happened to the other winter jacket!
I shouldn't complain, but I'm going to.  I went food shopping on my way home from work yesterday.  No big deal, right?  Remember the monthly menu thing?  While I'm working on the next two weeks of the menu yesterday morning (I had a two hour delay - ymmy!), Hubby says, "I started on next month's menu."
What about this one?  He continues.  "I put down chicken soup and cabbage and ham."  (These things are in the freezer, and I was going to use them.)  I furiously start erasing.  He leaves for work.  I'm now up the proberbial creek without a paddle, because there are no other choices than to think of things to make, that require my time.
The crux of the matter is that I shop for the food, put the food away, cook the food, and then clean up from making the food.  I'm supposed to clean the floors and toilets.  I'm the chief chauffer.  I also work full-time out of the house.  I'm also an aspiring writer, and writing daily is what keeps me sane.  These people here at the pool don't realize how important that last fact is.  Sanity.
Hubby works full-time, too, and he's great at doing the laundry.  Except for the good clothes.  If you don't want things a wrinkled mess, you've got to do them yourself.  Even the kids have learned this.  So, I'm ready to go on strike again.  Or, fly to Aruba, with nothing but my bathing suit, a towel, and my laptop.
I lke the second choice much better! 
No winter coats to worry about there.
Room service away from the Stress pool.  That's what I'm talking about!

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