Saturday, March 9, 2013

Waiting for Warmer Weather

Spring is almost upon us!  The woodpeckers are out full-force, which is very good news, indeed.  Any day now, I expect the groundhog that resides outside my classroom window to poke his head out.  Frederick George will be a welcome sight! 
At a recent meeting of the Three Rivers Romance Writers, it was suggested that everyone should have a website, because that's something that publishers want to see.  This is indeed a daunting task for some of us.  Let's face it - I can barely find time to post on my own blog, let alone keep a website updated!  But, now that I've been sending out my first real book (so many words, so little time), Not on My Watch might actually be published before Social Security starts.  If it even exists by then! 
And, of course, thinking of the design, pictures, a brand (it was suggested one have a brand.  I need help with that one!), and all the other things one needs for a website.  The author who spoke said she pays around $500 for someone to help her with her website.  Just starting out, looking at the money needed for memberships, websites, publicists, printer ink...I would need another job besides my teaching career, and then there wouldn't be time to write!
But then, one hopes the book will be picked up and will sell!  That takes care of printer ink!
So, when I get brave enough to make a website - maybe over spring break - I'll post the link.  In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed that the book gets picked up.